主演:龙麓丞 江小艾 茜颜
Director: MOMO
Screenwriter: Jessie
Cast: Longlong, Alvin, W-Lily
Producer: W-Lily
Cinematographer: Shuailiang Liu
Genre: Music Video
Length: 4min26s
Year: 2022
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: Beijing Queer Chorus
故事梗概 Synopsis
There are three young people – a woman trapped by archaic gender norms, a man hiding his true self for the fear of being judged, and another woman feeling anxious about her appearance in front of her lover. They are inspired by music and dance to manifest their true desires. They muster the courage to break the shackles of the world. They are no longer afraid of the vilification of others and start to live their true selves. At the ball, they are confident and charismatic. Everyone can be the brightest star here.
导演介绍 Director Biography
Zhu Mo, a young director, graduated from the New York School of Visual Cinema with a master’s degree in directing and from the Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor’s degree in filmmaking. In 2020, she wrote and directed his own short film TRASH, which was produced in New York. In the same year, she joined the production team of a feature film, A Chat, and served as the executive director. In 2021, after returning to China, she worked at BangStudio and collaborated with Chinese top artists on a number of commercials, TVCs, music videos and promotional videos. In the same year, she directed Xiang and Tongzi, a short film for FIRST Surprise Film Festival Lab. Zhu also participated in the shooting of a feature film “Half Serenade” as first assistant director. Focusing on exploring personal stylized narrative, Zhu is passionate about film art and believes that it is easier to stick to an ideal than to give up on it.
导演阐述 Director Statement
在音乐和舞蹈的交融之下,短片讲述了三个角色的故事:被周遭环境压抑住外放灵魂的白领;不愿被性别束缚、想要摆脱传统目光的小提琴手;拒绝面容焦虑,勇敢去表达爱的学生。这三位主角无一不在向外界强烈地传达着:请做内心真正的自己! 这部音乐短片的标题取自于同名歌曲,《This is me》。这就是“我”,“我”从来不觉得性别只有两种,或者人应该活成某种样子,活着性取向会受到限制……“我”就是独立绽放的个体,“我”生来不同。正如Vogue文化代表的理念:“如果你觉得这个‘球’(ball)不欢迎你,那就是这个‘球’(ball)的问题,因为‘舞厅’(ballroom)欢迎所有人。” 短片最后,三位主角挣脱外界束缚,做回真正的自己,三条人物线交织并汇聚在舞厅里,这也是我最想在短片中表达的——不要害怕改变,就算与主流背道而驰。在这样的一个空间里,每个灵魂都是值得被尊重的。
In the collision of music and dance, the film portrays three parallel characters: a white collar whose soul is suppressed by the surrounding environment; a violinist who does not want to be trapped by gender roles and hope to break the traditional norms; and a student who relieve her appearance and becomes confident to embrace love. These three characters are all communicating a strong message to the word: Please be your true self! The short music film is named after the song, “This is me”. This is me, the one who never feels that there are only two genders, that life should fit in a template, and that sexual orientation is limited… Everyone is born different and is special and unique in their own way. Just as Voguing culture wants to express—“If you feel that this ball doesn’t welcome you, that’s the problem of this ball, because the ballroom welcomes everyone.” At the end of the short film, the three main characters break free from the outside world and become their true selves. With the development of the three characters in the short film, I would love to express that please don’t be afraid to change, even if it goes against the mainstream. In the space I created in the film, every soul is worthy of respect.