萨摩亚跨纪事 The Rogers

制片公司:Qwaves/Pacific Islanders in Communications

Director: Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson
Screenwriter: —
Cast: —
Producer: Leanne Ferrer
Cinematographer: —
Genre: Documentary
Length: 16min
Year: 2020
Dialogue: English, Samoan
Region: Samoa
Production Company: Qwaves and Pacific Islanders in Communications

故事梗概 Synopsis


An intimate glimpse of the first visible group of transgender men in the Pacific Islands – the Rogers of Samoa. From the loneliness of family rejection and homelessness to the camaraderie of church, cooking, and dance, their stories reveal the challenges and possibilities of life in an island society rooted in culture and tradition.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography

迪恩·哈默是《纽约时报》年度图书作家、艾美奖和同性恋者反诋毁联盟(GLAAD)媒体奖获奖电影制作人和美国国立卫生研究院荣誉科学家,长期致力于向不同公众传播复杂而有争议的观点。他与合作伙伴乔·威尔森以及之前的电影主题人物Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu共同成立了卡纳卡帕基皮卡(Kanaka Pakipika)公司,制作了一系列极具洞察力的电影,让世界看到了波利尼西亚独特的多样性和包容性方法所带来的启示。他目前正在创作一本以第三性别卡佩玛胡(Kapaemahu)为题材的书籍和博物馆展览。哈默还著有《欲望的科学》(The Science of Desire)和《上帝基因》(The God Gene)等多部畅销的非虚构类书籍,他曾担任英国广播公司(BBC)和探索频道的顾问,《时代周刊》、《新闻周刊》和《科学》杂志以及电视节目《前线》和《奥普拉脱口秀》都曾报道过他的研究。

Dean Hamer is a New York Times Book of the Year author, Emmy and GLAAD Media award-winning filmmaker, and National Institutes of Health scientist emeritus with a long history in communicating complex and controversial ideas to diverse publics. He formed Kanaka Pakipika with partner Joe Wilson and prior film subject Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu to produce an insightful series of films that have opened the eyes of the worlds to the lessons to be learned from Polynesia’s unique approach to diversity and inclusion. He is currently working on a book and museum exhibition based on Kapaemahu. Hamer is also the author of several best-selling nonfiction books including “The Science of Desire” and “The God Gene,” has been a consultant for the BBC and Discovery channels, and his research has been featured in Time, Newsweek, and Science magazines and on Frontline and Oprah.