主演:黄倩仪、Sanisa、卢深、Francis Bond、Dominic Wong、Amy Tashiana、Judy Chia
制片人:Low Zi Qi
Director: Quen Wong
Screenwriter: Quen Wong
Cast: Quen Wong, Sanisa, Lune Loh, Francis Bond, Dominic Wong, Amy Tashiana, Judy Chia
Producer: Low Zi Qi
Cinematographer: Looi Wan Ping
Genre: Documentary
Length: 72min
Year: 2021
Dialogue: English, Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien
Region: Singapore
Production Company: Tiger Tiger Pictures
故事梗概 Synopsis
At 46 years of age and on the cusp of marriage, Quen comes ‘out of stealth’ to embark on a journey of retrospection as a transgender woman in conservative Singapore. Reaching out to two other generations of transgender women, she uncovers the buried queer history of Singapore’s infamous Bugis Street and the political consciousness of a frustrated Gen Z. To be seen, to be believed and to be loved; in a society where queer and transgender communities face stigma and discrimination for expressing themselves, SOME WOMEN celebrates their humanity and shows how gender identities that don’t conform with so-called norms have always existed – but remain erased. Raw, intimate and confessional, this is an autobiography and impassioned love letter by a transgender director to her home country. This debut feature film by director Quen Wong confronts stigma in the most difficult way a director knows how: by turning the camera on herself.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
黄倩仪是一名新加坡电影工作者。2018年,她执导了短片Building Bridges,,该片是一项抗议运动的一部分,抗议将男男性行为定罪的法律。黄倩仪的作品还包括2014年的《亚洲无间道:治疗还是酷刑》,调查了柬埔寨戒毒中心侵犯人权的行为。该片曾在AETN Asia播出。此外,她还制作了2017年的《权力与虔诚:地狱之火国家》,这是一部关于基督教福音主义对美国政治影响的论文电影。该片曾在由英国电影与电视艺术学院奖得主Mobeen Azhar主持的National Geographic Australia和BBC Arabic播出。在此之前,黄倩仪曾是国家地理频道亚洲分区的获奖宣传制片人和内容创作者。她曾获得国际电视包装设计奖最佳广告金奖(亚洲分区)、2009年国家地理频道前30名获奖者、2008年最佳编剧奖:《保护我们的星球》等其他奖项。《一些女人》是黄倩仪的首部纪录长片,该片荣获2021年新加坡国际电影节观众奖,以及2023年第18界温哥华国际女性电影节影响力奖。该纪录片曾于2019年获得陈延谦基金会-新加坡国际电影节东南亚纪录片资助,并于2020年在纪录片论坛Docs by the Sea获得阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节项目奖。
Quen Wong is a Singaporean filmmaker. In 2018, she directed ‘Building Bridges’, a short film created as part of a protest campaign against the law that criminalises sex between men. Quen’s body of work also includes ‘Undercover Asia: Treatment or Torture’ (2014), an investigation of human rights abuses that took place in drug rehabilitation centres in Cambodia. It was syndicated on AETN Asia. Quen also produced ‘Power and Piety: The Hellfire Nation’ (2017), an essay film about the influence of Christian evangelicalism on American politics. Hosted by BAFTA-winner Mobeen Azhar, the film was syndicated on National Geographic Australia and BBC Arabic. Previous to that, Quen was an award-winning promo producer and content creator with National Geographic Channel Asia. She has been awarded Promax/BDA (Asia) Gold Awards for Best Interstitial: Nat Geo’s Top 30 Winner (2009) and Best Script: Preserve our Planet (2008) among other awards. ‘Some Women’ is Quen’s debut feature film, winning the Audience Award at the Singapore International Film Festival 2021 as well as the Impact Award at the 18th Vancouver International Women in Film Festival 2023. The documentary was also a recipient of the Tan Ean Kiam Foundation – SGIFF Southeast Asian Documentary Grant (SEADOC) in 2019 and the IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) Project Award at Docs by the Sea in 2020.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
This is the most personal and challenging film I’ve ever worked on. Not only is SOME WOMEN my first feature, but it is also the first time I am appearing in a film.
In Singapore, the LGBTQ+ are either made invisible or demonised in mainstream media. Less than a year ago, sex between men was still a punishable crime. After my own transition from boyhood to womanhood, my goal had been to disappear into the crowd, I wanted to escape society’s judgment and personal harassment. But ‘living stealth’ also felt like I was hiding. How would we ever reclaim everything beautiful about us? What about our basic rights and our full humanity?
In this intimate yet powerful debut feature, I, a trans filmmaker from conservative Singapore, confront stigma in the most difficult way I know how as a director: I turned the camera on my own hidden self. In the process, I am thrilled to uncover the buried queer history of Bugis Street, a red light district notorious from the 1960s to 80s, so that queer people can understand our heritage and find pride! And I share the stories of a politically-frustrated Gen Z so that we can unite to break down bigoted institutions. But, most of all, I have set myself free.
SOME WOMEN is a landmark film, made by Singapore’s first trans woman director of a feature documentary. I hope my vision and my voice inspire you to also break free.