Parole Rosette
8 min 2012 实验片Experimental
导演(Director):Katrina Daschner
对白(Dialogue): 无No dialogue
制作机构(Production Company):Lady Chutney Production
在影片中,Katrina Daschner带着对娴熟掌控的自信与获奖的喜悦,将酷儿伴侣团体精心排练的演出搬上了舞台。这一场环绕着社会习俗和性自主的控制游戏,交织在神圣的建筑环境之中。短片再一次展示了她对风格、符号、布景和影像规则还有“古典美”的组成元素的了解,这深厚知识因精致的艺术、摄影和剧院得到激发。她通过对大量影像的把玩颠覆了她自己,交叉剪辑,近景细节,表演插入,近乎军国主义的故事情节,各个表演者和行动的微妙而清晰的酷儿多样性。
一次又一次,Katrina Daschner设想将舞台或展览背景当做表演的性领域,上演着欲望、力量,让秩序能够被看到被谈论。她的电影是经验的表现空间。将剧场空间与电影表演元素相连,她有意用引语的潜台词将看似熟悉的舞台设置变形,使用碎片化体裁和符号,从而使所选用的媒介表现出潜能,巧妙地跨越了其传统的局限。
Extremely confident in her mastery of style and taking obvious delight in her citations, in PAROLE ROSETTE, Katrina Daschner uses the performance by a well-rehearsed group of queer couples to stage a controlled game around/about social conventions and (sexual) self-determination, interwoven into an architecturally sublime setting (the Carlo Mollino´s Teatro Regio in Turin). This piece demonstrates, once more, her intricate knowledge–inspired by a combination of fine arts, photography and theater–of style, codes, staging and image conventions as well as of the elements that constitute “classical beauty.” Here, she subverts her own so tantalizing abundance of images by cross-cutting them with detailed close-ups and performative interventions, by a storyline that is nearly militaristic in style, and a subtle, yet clear and queer diversity of the individual actors and actions. Time and again, Katrina Daschner conceives of the stage or exhibition context as sexualized fields of play or performance where processes of desire and power as well as visual regimes are enacted and negotiated. Her films are performative spaces of experience. By connecting theatrical spaces and acts with cinematic elements, she deliberately works with variations of a seemingly familiar mise-en-scène, into which she inscribes subtexts using citations, stylistic set pieces and codes, thereby sounding out the possibilities of the media chosen and cunningly transgressing the limits of its conventions. (Text: Barbara Reumüller, english translation: Erika Doucette)