Director: Ruixuan Tong
Screenwriter: Ruixuan Tong
Cast: Sokratis Kyriakides, Eliott Tardieu, Atanas Zhekov
Producer: César Candelon
Cinematographer: Zean Lin
Genre: Drama short film
Length: 3min7s
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English
Region: UK
Production Company: London Film School
故事梗概 Synopsis
After Zac, Tim’s partner, leaves him without a word, Tim spends months waiting at home, yet accidentally discovers something more important than his boyfriend’s disappearance.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
童瑞轩,编剧,导演,毕业于北京电影学院,目前在伦敦电影学院攻读电影制作硕士学位。 他的作品曾获圣塔夫国际电影节最佳纪录片奖,洛杉矶国际电影节最佳导演奖,瑞士国际电影节荣誉奖,并入选 Prisma Rome 独立电影奖、 Metropolis 电影节、瑞典电影奖等。
Ruixuan Tong is a writer-director who graduated from the Beijing Film Academy and is currently studying for an MA in Filmmaking at London Film School. His works received Best documentary at SDIFF, Best director at LAFA Honorable Mention at SWIFF, and selected by Prisma Rome independent Film award, Metropolis Film festival, Sweden Film award, etc.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
Waiting is something we experience every day. We wait for the car, the food, and the unknown outcome, a process that is impatient, anxious, and even difficult because in waiting our expectations want to be met. As the wait gets longer, we begin to put away our egos and even become prayerful, swapping expectations for hope, and even a poor result becomes acceptable.
So it is with the results of an HIV test, so it is with the unveiling of the test result, so it is with the opening of the lottery, the punishment, the first cry of a baby. It’s the same for everyone, and it’s no different. The three minutes and five seconds of images do not depict the process of waiting, but rather care about the echoes and strings of waiting. Through different people, fears, realities and dreams, at this moment I hope we can feel the courage of love together.
As for the result of waiting? We can face it together.