编剧:吴安郡 李颖怡
主演:景兰荑 张一
Director: Yingyi Li
Screenwriter: Anjun Wu, Yingyi Li
Cast: Lanyi Jing, Yi Zhang
Producer: Yan Zhu
Cinematographer: Jiacheng Wu
Genre: Featured short film
Length: 19min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese
Region: China
Production Company: Beijing Hanren Culture Co., Ltd
故事梗概 Synopsis
Perfect Transformation Center is a place where there only exists genders that are absolutely right. One day, Hao Hao, the team leader, who has been awarded the title of “Perfect Girl”, accidentally finds that her best male friend Nan Nan is pregnant…
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
Yingyi Li graduated from The Central Academy of Drama. She has acquired a bachelor’s and master’s degree in art in the field of directing. Her first film Shall We Talk was nominated for the 13rd FIRST International Film Festival. Her short film Talk To Her was nominated for Chinese International Festival and Chinese Korean Share Your Dream Short Film Festival. It received Best Editing Award in International Women’s Festival and Best Director Award in International College Student Festival as well. Her film script Guitar in Green Village was selected for the Youth Script Support Program of National Radio and Television Administration. Her film script The Common People was selected for Annual Film Program of FIRST Genre Lab. Li was the producer of the experimental drama Two Men. This work has been nominated for many domestic drama festivals, and it has been put on the stage under the invitation of many art spaces and exhibitions.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
接近末尾,发现原来身边的很多人都想逃离“完美改造中心”,形成一个“ME TOO”接力棒的过程。有人在逃亡的过程中犹豫返回,选择了更保守的那条路,有人不畏风险都要尝试做自己,也有人誓死反对…..
This film focuses on the concept of “Perfect Transformation Center”. In the style of dark fairy tales, it demonstrates the constraints and conflicts in relation with genders in this fantastic space. Showing the choices of teenager boys and girls in the face of “gender” issues, the story tells us about how a group of confined young people manage to escape with the help of each other.
The major characters are three adolescents, each of whom embodies labels and features of different groups. For example, Hao Hao is the representative of a typical girl. She is excellent in studying and is the leader of other students. Nan Nan represents the LGBTQ+ group. He becomes hesitated about his own faith after being interrogated, which reflects the difficult situation of this group. Zhuang Zhuang is the supporter of patriarchy, who assumes his “rightful” responsibility under the identity of a male.
The film supersedes the conventional patterns of public service films, introducing the knowledge of sex education through the process of runaway, which includes the ways of assisting a pregnant person, of achieving real gender equality, and of accepting ourselves without struggles.
The beginning of the film displays the typical modes of thoughts among girls and boys. Shortly afterward, the pregnancy of Nan Nan exposes Hao Hao to the force of life thoroughly, and she firmly determined to run away even under the risk.
Every line in the confinement room questions those traditional dogmas and opinions. Both the mainstream and the non-mainstream values are brought under the spotlight during the process of questioning and answering.
Close to the end of the film, it is found that there are more people seeking to escape from Perfect Transformation Center, which indicates a metaphor of “ME TOO” relay baton. Some hesitate in the progress of escape and return, choosing the pathway that is more conservative, some attempt to stick to themselves regardless of risks, and some strongly oppose to it…
This is how we vary from each other when facing “gender” issues.