轻舟欲过万重山 Mounts Ward the Canoe off


Director: Shilling Xiong
Screenwriter: Shilling Xiong
Cast: Yanqing Xiao, Feng Xiao, Wmut, Xiao Hei
Producer: Huizhong Weng, Yifan Wei
Cinematographer: Haoyuan Lee
Genre: Feature Short Film
Length: 25min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese, Guizhou dialect
Region: China
Production Company: —

故事梗概 Synopsis


Chen Ping, who has been away from his homeland for many years, takes his boyfriend back to hometown for visiting his ill mother. He takes a boat through the dangerous peaks, not paying attention to the undercurrent in the quiet water. Everything he had run away from enveloped him again in the name of love. During the time, his conflict with lover unveils the unspeakable conflict between himself and his mother. In the mutual alienation, the silent farewell is coming.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography


Xiong Shiling graduated from UIC’s Film and Television Department, his works focus on the discussion of individual emotional need and intimate relationship in contemporary society, and express the subjectivity of marginalized groups.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement


The story is mostly inspired by my observation of divorced families in modern society. I wanted to explore the unspeakable emotion through Chen Ping’s situation and encounter, and I tried to penetrate into the spiritual world of the young people in this way, so as to explore their existential dilemma: what do childhood memories, love, and everything that attached to the hometown mean? I would like to focus on people’s true emotions within the moral values that the society holds on to, and highlight the subjective expressions of marginalized groups in this order. I hope that my presentation of these issues could arrive a more general feeling of caring for self-emotions in this era of rapid development, to touch the intuitive memory that cannot be replaced by reason, or to acknowledge oneself in a different way.