主演:Mike Bujoli、Elsan Kozar、Dylan Louhoungou、Agnès Perraud
Director: HE Qian
Screenwriter: HE Qian
Cast: Mike Bujoli, Elsan Kozar, Dylan Louhoungou, Agnès Perraud
Producer: ZHAO Tuo (Liang)
Cinematographer: LIU Yadi
Genre: Film Noir
Length: 23min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: French
Region: France
Production Company: —
故事梗概 Synopsis
Lin leads a double life. On the one hand, he is a core member of the underworld, decisive and ruthless; while on the other hand, he runs a bookstore as a cover for his operations. Amid the seemingly tranquil existence in the bookstore, he stumbles upon the young Asu, and unwittingly finds himself drawn to him. However, to his dismay, he discovers that his next assassination target is none other than Asu. Caught in a whirlwind of hesitation and dilemma, Lin becomes entangled in a web of reality and illusion…
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
何倩,2019年本科毕业于Institute International l’image et du son(巴黎国际音像学院)摄影系,2021年本科毕业于巴黎八大电影系Université Paris 8 Licence Cinéma et audiovisuel,2021-2023就读于巴黎八大导演专业攻读硕士学位Université Paris 8 Master Cinéma parcour Réalisation et Création参与中法两地多部影片制作。
He Qian, 2019 Bachelor’s degree in Photography from Institute International l’image et du son. 2021 Bachelor’s degree in Cinema at Université Paris 8. 2021-2023 Studying for a Master’s degree at Université Paris 8, majoring in directing. Participate in the production of several films in China and France.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
This film is a blend of the underworld setting and a core love story. Despite its somber tone, I chose a delicate and gentle touch to narrate the story, employing a yaoi-inspired imagination to give a distinctive packaging to the conventional noir narrative. It is not only a fusion of creative elements but also an artful imitation and homage. Simultaneously, the film employs a multi-threaded storytelling approach, centered around the protagonist, exploring his relationships with various characters and the diverse fates entwined with them.