制片公司:Lost at Sea Films
Director: Nyala Moon
Screenwriter: Nyala Moon
Cast: Nyala Moon, Anders Geipel, Alexandria Benson
Producer: Sam Scolarici, Eileen Makak
Cinematographer: Warut Snivdongs
Genre: Rom-Com Short Film
Length: 14min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English
Region: USA
Production Company: Lost at Sea Films
故事梗概 Synopsis
A whack, irreverent comedy about a black trans woman who tries to dilate, after four years of not dilating, to hook up IRL with her online boyfriend.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
尼亚拉·穆恩毕业于城市学院,获得电影制作硕士学位。尼亚拉还是2020-2021年酷儿艺术电影研究员、希尔曼研究生院电视写作研究员和Film Fatale的导演研究员。尼亚拉的最新电影《跨性别后如何不约会》在Inside Out Toronto酷儿电影节、Wicked Queer Boston的LGBT电影节、Translation Seattle的2SLGBTQ+电影节和 NewFest 22获得了观众奖和最佳短片奖。尼亚拉是2022年Film Fatale的跨性别导演研究员。2022年6月,尼亚拉被选为2022年NewFest/Netflix新声音电影制作人奖得主。她的电影《跨性别后如何不约会》被选中通过Frameline的“新声音”计划发行。她的最新短片《效果最大化》获得了美国优秀短片评审团大奖,《Filmmaker》杂志将尼亚拉评为 2023 年独立电影25张新面孔之一。
NYALA MOON is a graduate of City College with her MFA in film production. Nyala was also a 2020-2021 QueerArt Film fellow, a TV writing fellow for Hillman Grad, and a Film Fatales director fellow. Nyala’s latest film, How Not To Date While Trans, has won audience and best short awards at Inside Out Toronto’s LBGT Film Festival, Wicked Queer Boston’s LGBT Film Festival, Translation Seattle’s 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival, and NewFest 22. Nyala is a 2022 Film Fatale trans-directing fellow. In June 2022, Nyala was selected as a 2022 NewFest/Netflix New Voices Filmmaker Grant winner. Her film, How Not To Date While Trans, was selected for distribution through Frameline’s New Voices program. Her latest short film, Dilating For Maximum Results, won the Grand Jury Prize for Outstanding US short.,Filmmaker Magazine named Nyala one of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film 2023.