Paradise Europe
莱安德罗·戈迪尼奥 Leandro Goddinho
2024|苦儿流浪记 Queer Diaspora
On the day thousands of people went to the streets protesting against unaffordable rents in Berlin and the abolishment of the rental cap law, a gay Brazilian immigrant who was just kicked out of his apartment struggles to find a new room while his personal life falls apart as well as the city around him.
制片公司:Cinema Posgenero
Director: Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes
Screenwriter: Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes
Cast: Murillo Basso
Producer: Leandro Goddinho, Paulo Menezes
Cinematographer: Álfgerður Malmquist
Genre: Featured short film
Length: 17 min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English, Portuguese, German
Region: Brazil, Germany
Production Company: Cinema Posgenero
莱安德罗·戈迪尼奥 Leandro Goddinho
莱安德罗·戈迪尼奥是一位关注LGBTQ+议题的巴西电影人。他最新的作品《你是如此美妙》获得了76届洛迦诺国际电影节的银豹奖,影片同时也入围了明日之豹国际竞赛。他也曾参加柏林电影节的天才训练营,在世界各大电影节获得过百余项奖项。2015年,莱安德罗获得亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会赞助的德国总理未来领袖奖金。这笔资助帮助他完成了他的纪录片《世界是圆的,所以无人能够躲在角落》,这部短片聚焦于LGBTQ+群体之间的离散问题。影片第一部分《避难所》在70多个电影节上展映,在希腊、美国获得了奖项,也入围了德国Große Klape奖和英国的Iris Prize LGBTQ+电影节。第二部分《吻》也在一些重要的电影节上展映,如第72届爱丁堡电影节、里约热内卢的Mais Performance展览会、2018年德国鲁尔艺术节,以及南非遗忘档案馆展览。莱安德罗的毕业作品DARLUZ获得了38项奖项。他2016年的短片《泳池》在棕榈泉电影节上首映,已经入选了世界150多个电影节并获得了45项奖项。2017年,他获得了巴西文化部的新编剧基金,帮助他完成他的第一部剧情片剧本。之后,莱安德罗已经获得了超过15项电影扶持资金。他在柏林自由大学获得了媒介与视觉人类学的硕士学位,并获得德意志学术交流协会的外国艺术家奖学金。莱安德罗目前在德国的两所大学任教。他在柏林媒体、通信与经济应用技术大学和Catalyst Berlin-Institute for Creative Arts & Technology两所机构教授媒介和视觉人类学,同时担任电影制作项目的负责人。莱安德罗目前忙碌于他的纪录片Telas的后期制作,计划在2023或2024年完成,也在筹备两部剧情片Piscina和Tem alguém que nos odeia的剧本写作。
In 2015, Leandro was selected for the German Chancellor Fellowship for Prospective Leaders, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This prestigious opportunity allowed him to research and develop a documentary project titled “The World is round so that nobody can hide in the corners,” which focused on LGBTQ+ Diaspora. The first part, “Refuge,” was screened at over 70 festivals, securing awards in Greece and the US, and receiving nominations for the Große Klape Award in Germany and the Iris Prize in the UK. The second part, “The Kiss,” has been showcased at prominent festivals such as the acclaimed 72nd Edinburgh Film Festival, as well as being exhibited at the Mais Performance exhibition at the Oi Futuro Museum in Rio de Janeiro, the Ruhrtriennale Festival der Künste 2018 in Germany, and the Archive of Forgetfulness in South Africa. Leandro’s graduation project, “DARLUZ” (2009), garnered 38 awards. His 2016 short film, “Piscina” (Pool), made its world premiere at the Palm Springs Film Festival and has since won 45 awards while being selected for over 150 film festivals worldwide. In 2017, he received the New Screenwriters Fund from the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to write his debut feature film. Since then, Leandro has secured over 15 film funds to develop and produce his projects. With a Master’s degree in Media and Visual Anthropology from Freie Universität-Berlin, where he held the DAAD Scholarship for Foreign Artists, Leandro is currently lecturing at two German universities. He teaches in the MA in Visual & Media Anthropology program at HMKW – Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft, as well as at Catalyst Berlin – Institute for Creative Arts & Technology in both the MA and BA programs, where he also serves as the Film Production Program Lead. Goddinho is presently involved in the post-production of his feature documentary, “Telas” (Screens), scheduled for release in 2023/24, and is also actively developing two feature scripts “Piscina” and “Tem alguém que nos odeia”.
保罗·梅内塞斯 Paulo Menezes
保罗·梅内塞斯是一位巴西电影导演,目前在柏林电影电视学院学习编导。此前他在伦敦学习电影电视的制作,毕业后参与了一些BBC和半岛电视台的纪录片制作。2016年他搬到柏林,在柏林自由大学获得了媒介与视觉人类学的硕士学位。他的作品《洛洛》聚焦于同性恋少年在异性恋秩序中的探索,在全世界两百多个电影节展放映。之后,他的《薯条天堂》在德累斯顿电影节上首映,并被选进2021年戛纳电影节。他的短片《不是巴西同性恋者变态,而是他们的生活环境变态》在多地展映,包括乌普萨拉短片电影节、BFI Flare影展、汉堡短片电影节等等。在德累斯顿电影节,它获得了德国电影评论家选择奖以及2022年澳大利亚卢卡奖。他最近的短片《你是如此美妙》获得了第76届洛迦诺国际电影节银豹奖,同时也入围了明日之豹国际竞赛。2023年,保罗·梅内塞斯担任了德累斯顿电影节的评审。
Paulo Menezes is a Brazilian filmmaker currently studying directing at the DFFB. He previously studied Film and TV production in London and after graduating he worked on various documentaries for BBC and Al Jazeera in the UK. He moved to Berlin in 2016
where he did his Masters in Media and Visual Anthropology at Freie University. His film Lolo about gay kids navigating a heteronormative world screened in more than 200 festivals around the world. His next short Pommes Paradies premiered at Filmfest Dresden and was selected by AG Kurzfilm as part of their Cannes catalog in 2021.
His short “Nicht die brasilianischen Homosexuellen sind pervers, sondern die Situation, in der sie leben” screened in many festivals including Uppsala, BFI Flare, Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg to name a few. At Filmfest Dresden the film took home the German Film Critics Award as well as the LUCA award in 2022. His most recent short “Paradise Europe (Du bist So Wunderbar)” won the Silver Leopard at the 76th Locarno International Film Festival, as part of the Pardi di Domani Competition. Recently Paulo was a jury member at Filmfest Dresden in April 2023.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
As film directors, “Paradise Europe (Du bist so underbar)” holds deep personal significance as it is rooted in the Queer culture and reflects real events from our lives as immigrant artists in Berlin. The film explores the pressing issue of the city’s housing crisis, which becomes even more complex and chaotic when experienced by a gay immigrant artist without a European passport.
Drawing inspiration from the “Third Cinema” movement, which traditionally addresses socio-political issues in the developing world, our film reinterprets this approach in the context of the “First world.” By doing so, we aim to shed light on contemporary challenges that persist in a post-pandemic society still tied to its hetero-patriarchal colonialist past.
The narrative revolves around Edu, whose life becomes a tumultuous journey through a single day. The housing crisis and gentrification in Berlin lay bare the facade of a society claiming to be pseudo-liberal and open-minded but rife with minor daily aggressions.
As filmmakers in diaspora, we align ourselves with the emerging Accented Cinema trend, where we illuminate the difficulties we face while making a living abroad. Our struggles extend beyond language barriers and encompass cultural obstacles, prejudice, racism, and homophobia, even when disguised with good intentions. Our film emphasizes the power of queer narratives, which have always challenged the system, questioned societal norms, and offered fresh perspectives with a raw and underground aesthetic that defies established standards.
Through this film, we aim to spark conversations about the multifaceted struggles faced by individuals in marginalized communities. By presenting Edu’s story and the intersectionality of his identity, we hope to encourage audiences to confront their preconceived notions and biases and embrace a more inclusive and understanding society. Ultimately, “Paradise Europe (Du bist so underbar)” is a passionate homage to the power of low-budget cinema to challenge and inspire change.