杨煜琳 Yang Yulin
2024|爱情的模样 Love in Love
向曈(⾦晶 饰)打算⼀直留在冲浪胜地,逃离原本的⽣活,⾯对疏远,她的恋⼈单⾝妈妈房露溪(黄璐 饰)想要挽留。两⼈短暂分开之际,⼀个噩耗让她们重新连结。悲痛中,两⼈⾝体和⼼灵都更加靠近,但也深知难以改变将要分开的现实。与此同时,她们对⾃我和彼此的存在都有了新的感受和认识。
Tong (played by JIN Jing) intends to stay in the surfing paradise, escaping from her previous life. Faced with estrangement, her lover, single mother Fang (played by HUANG Lu), strives to keep her close. As the two briefly part ways, a tragic event brings them back together. Amidst grief, their bond deepens both physically and emotionally, yet they are acutely aware of the inevitable separation looming ahead. At the same time, they gained new feelings and awareness of their own selves and each other’s existence.
Director: Yang Yulin
Screenwriter: Yang Yulin
Cast: Huang Lu, Jin Jing
Producer: Yang Yulin, Wang Luka
Cinematographer: Zhang Yang Minming
Genre: Feature short film
Length: 16min20s
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese
Region: China
Production Company: None
杨煜琳 Yang Yulin
杨煜琳,导演、编剧,纽约⼤学 Tisch 艺术学院电影制作硕⼠,从事过语⾔、传播、设计、视觉等多学科研究和⼯作,善于进⾏跨边界、跨⽂化的多元交流与创作。其导演影像风格细腻、诗意,致⼒于捕捉现代社会中⽆法被简单定义的暧昧关系和与之共⽣的疏离瞬
YANG Yulin is a Chinese director and screenwriter, who holds a MFA degree in filmmaking from NYU Tisch. He has participated in research and work across various domains, including language, communication, design, and visual arts. Proficient in cross-boundary and cross-cultural communication and creation. As a director, he has a delicate and poetic visual style that captures the subtle nuances of human relationships that are hard to define, and the alienated moments intertwined. Infusing narratives with surrealistic formal elements, he endeavors to unveil a truer reality beyond the surface of the stories. His feature debut is in development.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
This film is inspired by my personal story – the struggle and frustration I feel when I am in an emotional relationship that does not conform to the mainstream of society and is not recognized by the traditional values of my family, and when my own perceptions of myself are drifting away from the original social expectations. It is this moment that I wanted to capture, when there is no way to escape from a difficult situation and one must face it head on, that creates a new realization and reflection on oneself, one’s relationships, and one’s perception of one’s existence at the present time. At the same time, I also wanted to depict the relationships that cannot be simply defined in modern society, and the inevitable alienation that comes with them.