塔玛拉·谢尔巴克 Tamara Scherbak
2024|有朋自远方来: 酷儿魁北克 Friends from Afar: Queerment Quebec
“Is Your Teen A Homosexual?” is a short allegorical comedy that satirizes Trump’s America by using the style of “teen hygiene” educational films of the 1950s. Johnny comes out to his family, who is helped by an off-screen Narrator, but stereotypes and prejudices prove to be stronger than family ties.
Director: Tamara Scherbak
Screenwriter: Tamara Scherbak
Cast: Laurent Pitre, Laura Mitchell, James Murray, Neil Kroetsch, Isabella D’Alessandro
Producer: Tamara Scherbak, Faisal Lutchmedial
Cinematographer: Gabriele Kislat
Genre: Short film
Length: 6 min
Year: 2018
Dialogue: English
Region: Canada
Production Company: Miksang Productions
塔玛拉·谢尔巴克 Tamara Scherbak
塔玛拉·谢尔巴克是一位加拿大编剧兼导演,涉猎剧情片、纪录片和实验电影等多个类型,她的作品曾在全球各大电影节展映。她的代表作包括赢得了蒙特利尔女性电影节的最佳导演奖的《爷爷》(2009),;入围Hot Docs国际纪录片节的竞赛单元的《只有天空和水》(2011);以及《你的孩子是同性恋吗?》(2018),这部短片剧本曾在2015年柏林电影节天才短片创投会中被选为9个开发项目之一。该短片已在包括纽约NewFest、魁北克电影节及基辅国际短片电影节在内的30多个电影节展映。塔玛拉还为加拿大国家电影委员会和Vice传媒执导作品,其中包括四集系列片《为了更好》,该片在多个在线平台上获得了数百万次观看。她的最新作品是心理惊悚片《白噪音》(2023),在奇幻电影节全球首映并获得两项大奖——最佳加拿大短片的金观众奖和评审团评选的银梅尔斯最佳影片奖。塔玛拉曾入选多个知名电影节人才计划,如多伦多国际电影节、柏林电影节以及Netflix—班夫多元化声音倡议。
Tamara Scherbak is a Canadian writer and director with a body of work across the genres of fiction, documentary and experimental cinema that have travelled to film festivals around the globe. Notable works include “Dedashka” (2009), winner of Best Director at the Montreal Festiv’elles Film Festival for women filmmakers, “Only Sky & Water” (2011), which screened in competition at the Hot Docs Film Festival and “Is Your Teen a Homosexual?” (2018), 1 of 9 scripts selected for development at the 2015 Berlinale Talents Short Form Station. This short fiction film has screened at over 30 film festivals such as NewFest in New York City, Rendez-vous Québec Cinema and the Kyiv International Short Film Festival. Tamara has also directed work for the National Film Board of Canada, and Vice Quebec including the 4-part series “For The Better” garnering millions of views across online platforms. Her most recent work, the psychological thriller “White Noise” (2023) had its world premiere at the Fantasia International Film Festival where it won two awards, The Gold Audience Award for Best Canadian Short Film and the juried Silver Mels Best Film Award. She is an alumna of multiple prestigious festival talent labs, such as the Toronto International Film Festival, the Berlinale as well as the Netflix-Banff Diversity of Voices Initiative.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
“Is Your Teen a Homosexual?” is a film that I feel is really pertinent in today’s world—from Russia banning “homosexual propaganda” to the alt-right movement in the United States and across the globe. I wanted to explore the levels of propaganda within society and play with the expectations of the genre of educational films. Satire seemed like the best route to tap into those prejudices lingering under the surface and the even deeper, more insidious ones that get revealed about the characters.
The setting of a 1950s-era educational film juxtaposed with modern-day America seemed like the perfect atmosphere to explore repression, stereotyping and prejudice as a way of examining our world today. The film is meant to be a mirror, a way of reflecting on our contemporary life through the lens of comedy and satire. We are hopefully provoking both laughter and discussion from the audience.