菲尔·罗普洛斯 Fil Ieropoulos
2024|酷儿新声 Queer New Voices
《前卫变装》以令人兴奋的方式展现了十位雅典变装表演者,他们解构了性别、民族主义、归属感、身份认同,同时面临着警方的残暴、变性恐惧和种族主义。《前卫变装》有娱乐性,又发人深省,它挑战了社会规范,重塑了人们对 LGBTQ+ 文化的看法,捕捉了一群变装表演者的亲密生活,证明了被异化的感觉从未如此熟悉。
Avant-Drag! offers an exhilarating look at ten Athenian drag performers who deconstruct gender, nationalism, belonging, identity, while facing police brutality, transphobia and racism. As entertaining as it is thought-provoking, Avant-Drag! challenges societal norms and reshapes perceptions about LGBTQ+ culture by capturing the intimate lives of a tightly-knit group of drag performers, proving that being othered never felt so familiar.
主演:康吉拉·特罗莫迪、厄·力比多、拉拉、奥罗拉·保拉·莫拉多、帕拉卡蒂亚诺娃、谢尔盖·帕拉卡季亚诺夫、麦克莫莱特、 科索斯、拉拉·科洛皮、维罗妮克、克鲁拉·特罗莫迪、玛丽萨·特里安德菲里都(叙述者)
Director: Fil Ieropoulos
Screenwriter: Foivos Dousos
Cast: Kangela Tromokratisch, Er Libido, Lala, Aurora Paola Morado, Parakatyanova, SerGay Parakatyanov, McMorait, Cotsos, Lala Kolopi, Veronique, Cruella Tromokratisch, Marisha Triantafyllidou (Narrator)
Producer: Fil Ieropoulos, Spyros Patsouras
Cinematographer: Mihalis Gkatzogias
Genre: Documentary, Experimental film
Length: 92 min
Year: 2024
Dialogue: Greek
Region: Greece
Production Company: FYTA films
菲尔·罗普洛斯 Fil Ieropoulos
Fil Ieropoulos, born in Athens in 1978, grew up in northern Greece. He studied film, cultural studies, and communication at the University of North London, and Media Arts at Westminster University. In 2010, he completed his PhD in Arts and Communication at the University of Kent. Since 2003, he’s been a Senior Lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University. His first feature, ORFEAS2021, premiered at Thessaloniki IFF and was nominated for Greek Film Academy awards. He has participated in numerous international festivals and exhibitions. His second feature Avant-Drag!, premiered at Rotterdam IFF on critic’s choice and travelled in many film festivals around the world.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
In the poetic documentary Avant-Drag!, we follow the lives of ten Athens-based drag performers as they create their own temporary worlds as a refuge against a hostile reality. By watching closely the lives and modes of expression of the protagonists, we get in touch with a new scene that has been blossoming in recent years and discover through them how the art of drag can transform reality and create safe spaces for people marginalised by Greek society.
The protagonists of Avant-Drag! raise a series of questions about gender, ethnicity, religion and sexuality in the contemporary Greek context. Following a modular structure, Avant-Drag! presents a series of artists with different gender identities, backgrounds and approaches to life, but all of whom express their creativity as a political act. They demand an equal and safe existence while exploring innovative ways of artistic expression. The film culminates with the participants meeting at a dinner party where a series of conversations are held concerning the art of drag, the integration of queer representation into the mainstream and the impact of Athenian drag queen Zackie Oh’s murder on the local queer scene.
Avant-Drag! breaks the conventions of queer/identity documentaries that at times take a journalistic/cinematically minimal and distant, “objective” approach, choosing to create instead a surreal collage in which narratives and images are built alongside the very subjects presented. A community speaks for itself without the mediation of an outsider’s gaze.
At the same time, the film’s cinematic kaleidoscope draws inspiration from post-digital reality to create a multimedia, hybrid cinematic language for the future. Performance art scenes meet everyday moments in the city, as well as personal testimonies. The colorful world of the protagonists intertwines in a psychedelic assemblage of images and references, blurring the boundaries between fiction and documentary, literal and metaphorical, the filmmaker himself and the protagonists.