克里斯蒂娜·韦德克尔 Christine Wiederkehr
2024|成长的烦恼 Growing Pain
One afternoon, Elio, a young and very polite boy, meets his tutor’s secret mistress. This unexpected encounter compels him to confide his own feelings for his tutor. Later, he reveals even more secrets.
制片公司:Return to the Well GmbH、 Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion
Director: Christine Wiederkehr
Screenwriter: Christine Wiederkehr
Cast: Luna Wedler, Vidal Arzoni, Mona Petri, Antonin Schopfer, Manu Annoni
Producer: Christine Wiederkehr, Karin Koch
Cinematographer: Filip Zumbrunn
Genre: Short feature film
Length: 17 min
Year: 2024
Dialogue: French, Italian
Region: Switzerland
Production Company: Return to the Well GmbH, Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion
克里斯蒂娜·韦德克尔 Christine Wiederkehr
克里斯蒂娜·韦德克尔(Christine Wiederkehr)出生于瑞士,曾在洛桑和苏黎世学习电影。她的毕业短片《小跳蚤!》(原版为“Floh!”,英文名为“Flea!”)广受好评,荣获多个奖项,其中包括柏林的新晋导演首步奖(First Steps Award)。此后她一直从事广告导演的工作,抚养着两个女儿,并创作了多部长篇电影剧本。《七次》(原版为“7 Fois”,英文译名“7 Times”)是一部短片,改编自她在研究剧本时听说的真实故事。
2023 《七次》(7 Fois)
2005 《小跳蚤!》(Floh!)
2003 《美人鱼》(Nixen)
2022 《我的路》(My Way)
2001 《芭比气质》(Barbie-Q)
Christine Wiederkehr was born in Switzerland Director 2 Bio and studied film in Lausanne and Zürich. Her graduation work, the short film “Floh!” (English title: Flea!) was widely acclaimed and won multiple awards, including the “First Steps Award” in Berlin. Since then, she has worked as a director for commercials, raised two daughters and developed several scripts for feature films. “7 Fois (7 Times)” is a short film based on a true story she was told while researching one of her screenplays.
2023 7 Fois
2005 Floh!
2003 Nixen
2002 My Way
2001 Barbie-Q
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
The many stories I have heard from friends over the years about sexual abuse are undoubtedly the reason for my interest in this subject. When I was a teenager, I thought I was the only one who had so many friends who had been abused and that it was simply a case of misfortune that it had happened. Witnessing the suffering of more and more friends as I grew older fueled an unbearable rage within me. I had to figure out: How come, in our modern, civilized societies, that so many children are abused? How can we stop this? And what can I do, as an adult, to contribute to the fight against it?
The film deliberately refuses a final resolution. It leaves us alone with our questions and our unease. By sending us back to ourselves, the subject cannot be closed. It is my greatest wish to open the door to new discussions.
I am certain of one thing: the longer we refuse to think about and debate child abuse from a renewed, radical and holistic perspective, the longer it will continue in suffocating secrecy.