我的双性恋人生 Bi The Way

主演:阿米尔·奥瓦迪亚·斯特克洛夫 伊内斯·莫尔达夫斯基 罗尼·多隆 蒋欢

Director: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Screenwriter: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Cast: Amir Ovadia Steklov, Ines Moldavsky, Rony Doron, Huan Jiang
Producer: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Cinematographer: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Genre: Short animation
Length: 16min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: Germany, Israel
Production Company: The Glass Prince

故事梗概 Synopsis



Bi The Way is a short, funny, and intimate animated film about Amir’s life- journey as a bisexual cis man.The film tells Amir’s story from early childhood until present day, highlighting his struggle to fit into binary culture making him unacceptable to the heteronormative community and invisible in the LGBTQIA community.

Dr. Maya Lavie-Ajayi and PhD candidate Zeinab Nobowati join in on the films historical-social discussion, providing background knowledge in queer and feminist theories to the subject matter of the film. They also shed light upon the hidden mechanisms of the modern western binary culture and why non-binary people struggle to fit in.

导演介绍 Director Biography


  • 《我的双性恋人生》(16分,2022)
  • 《别做个屌丝!》(10分,2020)
  • 《充电》(2分,2020)
  • 《两壁之间》(30分,2019)
  • 《哈姆迪》(5分,2015)
  • 《烟花》(3分,2007 – 2015)
  • 《下辈子》(5分,2014)
  • 《TESLA》(∞分,2014)
  • 《奇乐可乐》(4分,2013)
  • 《灵魂暗夜》(10分,2012)

Amir Ovadia Steklov is a Berlin based Israeli filmmaker /animator. His films are dealing with burning topics of: Racism, LGBTQIA, immigration and Jewish identity, he put them in a sex-positive framework and combined with dark humor.Amir graduated from Sam-Spiegel Film School in 2013 and worked as an independent film editor and animator since then. He is also part of a growing movement of queer-activists-filmmakers in Berlin Germany.

  • Bi The Way (16, 2022)
  • Don’t Be a DICK! (10min, 2020)
  • Charging Up (2min, 2020)
  • Between Two Walls (30min, 2019)
  • Hamudi (5min, 2015)
  • Fireworks (3min, 2007 – 2015)
  • In The Next Lifetime (5min, 2014)
  • TESLA (∞min, 2014)
  • Kilo Coke (4min, 2013)
  • Dark Night of the Soul (10min, 2012)

导演阐述 Director Statement



My motivation for making this film is very personal: As a queer-bisexual cis man, I had a very unique life·journey with my sexual·identity, and I researched this topic my entire life. Thus, I believe I have a lot to say about it.

Being bisexual is very queer: I never feel 100% belong to the gay community and also not 100% belong to the heteronormative world. I also feel these communities never really accept me for who I real am. I would like this film to be an international voice of people like me, who straggle to find their place in our binary world.