Director: Babatunde Apalowo
Screenwriter: Babatunde Apalowo
Cast: Tope Tedela, Riyo David, Martha Ehinome Orhiere
Producer: Damilola Orimogunje
Cinematographer: David Wyte
Genre: Feature Film
Length: 92min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English, Igbo, Nigerian Pidgin
Region: Nigeria
Production Company: Polymath Pictures
故事梗概 Synopsis
Bambino and Bawa’s relationship is tested as they navigate their feelings for each other while riding around Lagos for a photo competition. Bambino grapples with his own self-doubt and uncertainty, while Bawa is convinced that their feelings are a sign of something deeper. When Bambino suffers an accident and is forced to rely on Bawa’s assistance, he begins to question his own sexuality. The close proximity between them only intensifies the situation, and Bambino, overwhelmed by confusion and anger, ultimately pushes Bawa out of his life. However, when Bambino returns with an offer of friendship, Bawa insists that he make a decision. In the end, Bambino decides to reject Bawa, leading to a heartbroken and frustrated Bawa exposing Bambino’s sexuality to a mob, resulting in a violent attack on Bambino as Bawa watches with mixed emotions.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
巴巴通德·阿帕洛洛是现居于英国的电影导演和编剧。他曾赢得联合国主办的家庭视频竞赛,他的短片《幸福之地》在多个国际电影节上放映。2022 年,他获得非洲魔幻观众选择奖最佳剪辑奖及非洲电影学院奖编剧成就奖提名。他的首部剧情片《黑白之间是彩色世界》荣获第73届柏林国际电影节泰迪熊奖最佳剧情片。
Babatunde Apalowo is a film director and screenwriter based in the UK. He won the Homevida competition sponsored by the United Nations and his short film A Place of Happiness has screened at several international film festivals. In 2022, he won the AMVCA for Best Editor and was nominated for Achievement in Screenwriting at the African Movie Academy Awards. His debut feature film is All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
Colours started out as a love letter to a city I love so much – Lagos. The story was about a dispatch rider who fell in love with his city and would take iconic pictures to recapture the lost memories of his dead parents. But that story took a tragic change after I witnessed what was, perhaps, the most haunting experience of my life. I saw a man lynched and killed because of his sexual orientation. The event shocked me, and it began lifting the veil of ignorance from my eyes, to see beyond my initial pompous declaration of love for a city. I realized how dangerous Lagos could be to outsiders or ‘others’. People can lose their lives just by turning the wrong corner or by dressing just a little differently. I knew immediately I had to tell the story of Bambino, a metaphorical outsider who finds himself questioning his own identity while reconciling his past.