制片公司:Laika Productions
Director: Iosif Vardakis
Screenwriter: Iosif Vardakis
Producer: Marina Danezi, Tasos Koronakis
Cinematographer: Dimitris Kasimatis
Genre: Documentary
Length: 71min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Greek
Region: Greece
Production Company: Laika Productions
故事梗概 Synopsis
1977 年,一群朋友创建了希腊同性恋解放运动A.K.O.E.。在1990年之前,这一运动的杂志《Amfi》及其位于扎隆古街传奇地下室的办公室一直是希腊LGBT群体的避难所。AKOE和Amfi也由此成为了刚刚开始觉醒良知和组织起来的群体的第一个参照点。这将是一场争取生存权、幸福权和爱的权利的革命,这是它的故事首次被讲述。
In 1977 a group of friends created A.K.O.E. – the Greek Homosexual Liberation Movement. The movement’s magazine – “Amfi” – and its offices at the legendary basement on Zalongou street, will become a place of refuge for the Greek LGBT community until 1990. AKOE and Amfi, will be the first reference points for a community that is just beginning to gain conscience and organize. It will be a revolution for the right to exist, the right to happiness, the right to love. Its story is told for the first time.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
伊奥西夫·瓦尔达基斯主修影视,后获得戏剧研究硕士学位。他在希腊从事戏剧工作已有 30 年,《AKOE/AMFI》是他的第一部电影。这部影片于 2023 年 3 月 11 日在第 25 届塞萨洛尼基国际纪录片节上全球首映,同时被选入“新人”国际竞赛单元,并获得“中长片希腊电影”观众奖。
Iosif Vardakis studied Film/TV and then got an M.A. in Theater Studies. He has been working in the theater in Greece for 30 years. “AKOE/AMFI – The Story of a Revolution (*Just to Sleep on their Chest…)” is his first film. It had its world premiere at the 25th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival on March 11, 2023. It was selected for the “Newcomers” International Competition section and won the Audience Award for a Greek film of over 50 minutes.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
Ever since I was a member of AKOE in the mid 1980s, I had been dreaming of some day being able to make a film about the movement. My dream was to bring forward the feeling of liberation and of contributing to a higher cause, a feeling that was prominent in all the members. The story had never been told and the young Greek LGBT+ generation had no knowledge of these actions that – in the context of the times – were truly revolutionary. The purpose of the film was to put the historical facts in order and to inspire the LGBT+ community to continue fighting for inclusion and against oppression.