

30mins   2013 纪录片 Documentary

中国 China

导演(Director):妖妖 Yaoyao

制片人(Producer):涂建平 stijn deklerck

摄影(Cinematographer):妖妖 Yao Yao

对白(Dialogue):中文 Chinese

字幕(Subtitles): 中英CN+EN

制作机构(Production Company):酷儿大学Queer University 同志亦凡人Queer Comrades 中国酷儿独立影像小组China Queer Independent Films




In China, transgender people often suffer the difficulties that others cannot understand. So there is a group of female to male transgender people, they call each other “brothers”. This film is a true record of Tony’s journey towards accepting self-identity, through difficulties at the workplace, and even the wish to change one’s true identity through means of surgery.


导演简历Bio-filmography of Director:



2013 Staff of Common Language

2012.3 – 2013.5 Working on the Film “Brothers”


导演阐述Director’s Statement:


During the shooting of the film, I wanted to burst out in tears so many times. Many times, I wanted to stop the shoot, because I cannot bear for them to continue the story. When they are telling me they cannot continue with tears in their eye, when they tactfully refuse me during certain parts of the shooting, I understand their inner anxiety and restlessness; even more so I understand their insecurities towards society. When I gradually came to understand this group of people, I want to use a camera and document their story. I want to tell everyone, in China, this group of people wants to be cared for, they want to be understood, and they want to be accepted. They hope that one day they can live out open under the sunshine, and not be forever hiding alone in the dark corners.