2005年 70mins 剧情片
演员:李健,许凝,万涛,王硕,张镕,宿岩,王品一,张楠 王安然,张宏毅
The Rules of Room 301
2005 70mins fiction
Director: Zhang Di
Cast: Li Jian , Wan Tao , Wang Shuo , Wang Pinyi, Xu Ning.
A university is a door through which university students will step into the society and experience the change of the world and self-consciousness. Meanwhile, they will suffer from various ordeals and struggles. Facing with the unfamiliar society, Houjue and Lisa, two enthusiastic young men, prefer the absolutely emotional predisposition. They are intimate friends, depending on each other. However, Houjue is ambitious, and when the indigent condition makes his dreams unrealized, he feels helpless. Harsh reality is tearing up his heart. Lisa deeply loves Houjue and believes in unselfish love. He makes a deal with Zhaoding, the third party, with his body, hoping that that will help Houjue to make his dreams come into true and change their economic condition.
But finally Houjue finds what happened. Misunderstanding between them becomes deeper and deeper and their love is at the edge of ending. Holding extreme views, Houjue decides to kill Zhaoding. However, when he is going to kill Zhaoding, unexpected thing happens dramatically…
According to “ the event of Ma Jiajue”, the director directs a traditional homosexual love story. But the imagination of the director is bold and the directing style is objective and innovating. The depiction of love and violence scenes presents the beauty existing in the homosexual love. The way the director deals with the religious music, ruthlessly killing golden fish, blood calligraphy and burning calligraphy work to die for love shows that, with charitable humanity, he focuses on the beauty of the tragic scene and the heroism of the personality.
张迪, 北京电影学院表演学院2001级本科班毕业
-话 剧:
《蛐蛐四爷》(饰老大) / 《霸王别姬》(饰段小楼)/《一声叹息》(饰梁亚洲)/《一个达利主义者的对话》(饰达利)(原创独幕剧)/《风月无边》(饰李渔) /《屋外有花园》(饰理查)/《老顽固们》(饰卢纳尔多)(哥尔多尼全本)
-电 影:
2004《小城民警》(男二号:民警刘涛)/《燃烧的香蕉树》(男二号:瞎子李哥哥)/《仲夏日之梦》(男二号:工程师的鬼魂)/ 《美丽无罪》(副导演)/《刘庄布偶》(编剧;执行导演;男二号:小启)
2003 短片《劁猪》(编剧/导演/摄影/剪辑)
2004 独立电影《301的法则》(制片人/编剧/导演/美术/剪辑)
Director’s biography:
Zhang Di.
Education: Studying performance art in the Performance Institute of Beijing Film Academy from 2001 to 2005.
Works created:
-2003,shooting personal DV work “Castrate a Pig”, meanwhile as the playwright, the director, the photographer, the film editor.
film “Profession Killer”, as the assistant editor.
-2004,shooting DV work “The Rule of Room 301” meanwhile as the producer, the playwright, the director, the film editor, in charge of art.
Film “Policeman in Town”, starring.
Film “Dream of Mid-summer”, as the assistant editor, starring.
Film “Burning Trees”, as the assistant, starring
Film “Beauty Innocent”, as the assistant editor.
Film “Puppet Of Liu Zhuang”, meanwhile as the playwright, assistant director, starring.
-2005,.Film “Lake in Winter”, starring.
Film “Ice-fish and Amber ”, starring.
Created 25 songs.
Prize awarded: “Castrate a Pig” was the winner of the first prize for play writing for DV works on the Fifth University Students’ Movie Festival.