Post: 美丽少年 Boys for Beauty


美丽少年 Boys for Beauty


美丽少年 Boys for Beauty 2


美丽少年 Boys for Beauty
片长(Length): 63 mins
完成时间(Year): 1998年
导演/摄影/录音/剪辑/旁白(Director/Cinematography /Sound/Editing/ Narration)::陈俊志Mickey Chen
出品(Production Company): Taiwan Queer Pride Image House
获第2届台北电影节台北电影奖「商业类影片年度特别奖」(Independent Spirit Award)
第2届台湾国际纪录片双年展「观众最爱奖」(Audience Award)




A frank and entertaining portrait of three gay teenagers and their family relations in Confucian Chinese society. An exceptional theatrical success in Taipei, it marks a major achievement for a documentary anywhere in Asia. Understandably receptive to word-of-mouth publicity, the film’s charm is contagious. It’s not that the boys are born performers; they are naturals because the filmmaker provides them with a trusting platform.


我的好朋友纪大伟说,美丽少年有着独特的同志幽默,如同本地gay bar特产的午夜整点恰恰舞步,这边飘过来,那边荡过去。我只彷佛记得,那个好三八的日本导演拍的「浦田进行曲」,让少年的我在黑暗中随着纤柔女伶松阪庆子情绪起伏。可不可能,同性恋的、台湾人的「美丽少年」,可以在银/屏幕上散发出一样楚楚动人、抚慰寂寞青春的款款深情?(摘录自《美丽少年与一些回忆》-陈俊志)

Director’s Statement

Being a queer documentarist in Taiwan, I try my best to figure out a way of survival. Getting grants, persuading people to come out to show gayness and lesbianism…a lot of hard work forces me to become very very independent. Boys for Beauty is a great relief for me, as it allows me to return to the innocence of queer youth. I learned a lot from these flaming kids and got to know more about documentary – the genre that empowers me these years.
Fifteen years ago, a queer high school kid like me in Taipei couldn’t speak up, didn’t have any gay or lesbian role models. We had no queer visions. At that time, I had so many queer brothers and sisters who loved the ‘ wrong’ one, I mean, those straight people who wouldn’t love them in return. Many of us even tried committing suicide at that young age. Many years passed by; finally, I grabbed my camera to explore the new generation, the brave new queer world.
Boys for Beauty turned out to be a box office hit in Taiwan in 1999. The whole queer community mobilized and put a lot of effort in making this documentary a legend. Furthermore, we can say there’d been a golden decade of documentary in Taiwan, created and circulated by the persistently hard-working documentary group Full Shot. With such a beautiful heritage, we young filmmakers will continue our voyage of making more and more diverse and outspoken documentaries