主演:王颢喆、Patrick Boyd、李礼、王莹、隗丽
制片人:赵亮、张亦驰、项思宁、Patrick Boyd
Director: Sining Xiang
Screenwriter: Sining Xiang
Cast: Haozhe Wang, Patrick Boyd, Li Li, Ying Wang, Li Kui
Producer: Liang Zhao, Yichi Zhang, Sining Xiang, Patrick Boyd
Cinematographer: Siru Wen
Genre: Feature Short Film
Length: 20min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese, English
Region: China, USA
Production Company: —
故事梗概 Synopsis
Sining returns to China to visit families with his American boyfriend Patrick. After Sining accidentally comes out to them, everyone’s attitude towards Patrick goes south, except for Sining’s 7-year-old nephew, Naonao.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
Sining Xiang is a writer/director based in Los Angeles. He was born in Neimenggu and raised in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. Prior to embarking on a career in the film industry, he worked as an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley.He graduated from UCLA Film Department and holds a Master of Fine Arts degree.His latest short film Foreign Uncle gained numerous accolades, including a Jury Award from the Directors Guild of America, Best U.S. Student Film at Palm Springs International Film Festival, and was distributed by The New Yorker in 2023. After graduation in 2020, Xiang founded Zhumeng Culture in China and started the work as a director in an American new media company. He currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner and their two cats, Raymond and Bridget Jones.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
This film, Foreign Uncle, focuses on the attitude towards homosexuality in Chinese culture. I want to depict the clashes of culture and reshape the way in which we think about same-sex relationship. The culture clash in the film is diverse, ranging from the American uncle’s unfamiliarity with Chinese culture and language to my young nephew’s unfamiliarity with and acceptance of homosexuality before being changed by social circumstances.
The bond these two characters share can in some ways represent my own journey communicating between China and America, the differences in the lives I lead in each, and hopefully, with this film, some of those walls will collapse. I hope to depict that the ties and bonds of family can remain stronger than ever by attempting to understand each other.