主演:Jialu Chen、刘少勤
Director: Katrina Pleasance
Screenwriter: Katrina Pleasance
Cast: Jialu Chen, Rachel Liu
Producer: —
Cinematographer: —
Genre: Short narrative animation
Length: 4min40s
Year: 2023
Dialogue: —
Region: Canada
Production Company: Emily Carr University of Art & Design
故事梗概 Synopsis
The Moon Goddess falls in love with a human farmer. Even though they’re two worlds apart, she longs to meet her and uses her powers to bring them both together.
导演介绍 Director’s Biography
Katrina Pleasance is an animator based in Vancouver, British Columbia with a passion for experimentation. She is of mixed Chinese and Caucasian descent and enjoys working with mixed media. Her films feature a variety of techniques and materials, including paper, clay, rotoscoping, motion graphics, and traditional hand-drawn animation. Katrina loves a happy ending and rooting for the hero. Although she adopts experimental animation techniques, most of her films are feel-good narratives based on characters.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
《拥抱月亮》是一部以中国皮影传统艺术和神话故事为灵感的剪纸动画。我选择制作一部与中国历史文化有密切联系的电影,希望能够重新联系并更多地了解我自己的文化。 研究和学习让我兴奋,这个项目将这两种经验都向前推进了。制作实体木偶而不仅仅是阅读它们也让我更好地理解了这种艺术形式。皮影戏是一种正在消亡的艺术形式,我担心剪纸动画也可能走向这个方向。我希望通过我的电影尊重我的传统,并为这些古老的艺术形式创造新的观众。
Embrace the Moon is a paper cutout animation inspired by the traditional art of Chinese shadow puppetry and mythological tales. I chose to make a film with strong ties to Chinese history and culture, hoping to reconnect and learn more about my own culture. Research and learning excite me, and this project brought both experiences forward. Making physical puppets instead of just reading about them also enabled me to better understand the art form. Shadow puppetry is a dying art form, and I worry that paper cutout animation may be heading in this direction as well. Through my films, I hope to honor my heritage and create new audiences for these ancient art forms.