Post: 我祈求你帮我来埋葬一个人 I Seek Your Help to Burya Man



Director: Anderson Bardot
Screenwriter: Anderson Bardot
Cast: Fagner Soares, Leona Jhovs, Margareth Galvão, Guaja, Higor Campagnaro, Miguel
Producer: Anderson Bardot
Cinematographer: Willian Rubim
Genre: Short Film
Length: 20min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: Portuguese, Nheengatu, Calon
Region: Espírito Santo, Brazil
Production Company: Vale Encantado Filmes

故事梗概 Synopsis


Empire of Brazil, 1870. A queer indigenous body slowly dies on the cross while a transgender Romani woman is banned by her people. A half-breed soldier stands in the middle of the way. A child and an old woman cross their stories like destined lines on the palm of a hand.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography

安德森·巴尔多是一位来自巴西圣埃斯皮里图的艺术家和电影制片人。他曾获2021年美国Out South酷儿电影节新锐艺术家奖,同时也是幻谷影业创始人,拥有巴西圣埃斯皮里图联邦大学电影和音像媒体专业学位。由他担任导演、编剧和制片人的短片《黑土地》,于2020年在第49届鹿特丹国际电影节首映,随后入选世界各地80多个电影节并巡回展映,斩获13项大奖。2023年,巴尔多在第52届鹿特丹国际电影节上发布了他的新作《埋葬》。该片已入选12个电影节的展映单元,并斩获2023年第11届Nyack国际电影节最佳摄影奖和第9届桑托斯电影节最佳导演奖。

Emerging Artists Award Winner at the Out South Queer Film Festival (USA, 2021), Anderson Bardot is an artist and filmmaker from Espírito Santo, Brazil. Bardot is the founder of the production film company Vale Encantado Filmes and holds a degree in cinema and audiovisual media from UFES. Anderson Bardot is the director, screenwriter, and producer of the short film “Inabitáveis/The Uninhabitable Ones“, which premiered at the 49th International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2020 and participated in more than 80 film festivals and screenings around the world, winning 13 awards. In 2023, Bardot came back to the 52nd edition of IFFR in order to release their new short film “Procuro Teu Auxílio Para Enterrar Um Homem/I Seek Your Help to Bury a Man“. The film has already been selected for 12 international festivals and won a prize for best cinematography at the 11th Nyack International Film Festival (USA, 2023) and Best Director at the 9th Santos Film Fest.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement


In “I Seek Your Help To Bury a Man” the characters’ dissident bodies are forced to inhabit their skin first in order to later detach themselves from the veils of imprisonment and thus, inhabit the world. As a screenwriter and a director, I seek a historical approach set in idyllic Brazilian landscapes. My period narrative is polyphonic as well as the main characters; drilling, crossing, and sewing in and out of history and magic. Everything seems either a dream or a nightmare, and the audience is not able to take their bodies off the screen because every detail in this movie is a brief visceral touch.