Ellie and Abbie (& Ellie’s Dead Aunt)

制片公司|Brazen Lot制片公司
学生领袖艾莉(索菲·霍克肖饰)疯狂地爱上了她的同学艾比 (佐伊·特拉克斯饰),非常纠结是否要邀请艾比参加12年级的舞会。有一天,艾丽不小心向她的妈妈(玛尔塔·杜塞尔多普饰)吐露了自己的秘密。这是,事情开始变得复杂,甚至有些让人毛骨悚然。她已故的姑姑塔拉(朱莉娅•比灵顿饰)是一位80年代的女同性恋活动家,她死而复生,就像艾莉的仙女教母,引导她度过初恋的考验和磨难。

莫妮卡·萨内蒂是一名编剧兼导演,曾多次获奖。莫妮卡自编自导的《鬼阿姨之爱莉与艾比》揭开了2020年同性恋狂欢电影节的序幕;这是该电影节历史上首次以澳大利亚制作的电影开场。这部电影还被墨尔本国际电影节、Outfest和BFI Flare London等电影节接受,并由阿卡迪亚影业在当地和世界各地发行。她最近为首尔广播公司导演了《伊吉与埃斯》系列,在SERIES MANIA电视节首映。她的早期作品包括为Netflix的电视剧《姐妹》和ACORN的电视剧《我的生活是谋杀》(该剧由露西·劳里斯主演)撰写剧本。她也是美国广播公司晚间喜剧《今夜与汤姆·巴拉德》的编剧兼制片人。
Ellie and Abbie (& Ellie’s Dead Aunt) had it’s first life as a play. Monica wrote it out of a sheer desperation to see a lesbian, high school rom-com anywhere in the Australian entertainment landscape. The play had a breakout season in 2017 and after such an overwhelming response from the crowd so Monica set out to turn it into a feature film. For Monica it wasn’t just about making sure that there was a lesbian prom film out there for teens, it was also about making an LGBT film she could watch with her mum: “There are so many excellent Queer films out there that I enjoy, for example BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOUR but there are almost none that I could sit down and watch with my family”. Authentic casting was also incredibly important to the project , with 60% Queer identifying cast, including non-binary actor Zoe Terakes in a leading role.

Director|Monica Zanetti
Screenwriter|Monica Zanetti
Cast|Marta Dusseldorp, Zoe Terakes, Sophie Hawkshaw, Rachel House, Julia Billington
Producer|MahVeen Shahraki, Patrick James
Cinematographer|Calum Stewart
Genre|Romantic comedy
Production Company|Brazen Lot
School captain Ellie (Sophie Hawkshaw) has a serious crush on her classmate Abbie (Zoe Terakes), and is angsting over inviting her to the Year 12 dance. When Ellie accidentally outs herself to her mum (Marta Dusseldorp), things start to get complicated, and a little bit spooky. Enter her deceased aunt Tara (Julia Billington), a lesbian activist from the ’80s who returns from the dead to act as a kind of fairy godmother to Ellie, guiding her through the trials and tribulations of her first love.
Director Biography
Monica Zanetti is an award-winning Screenwriter & Director. Monica wrote and directed ELLIE ABBIE (& ELLIE’S DEAD AUNT) which opened the 2020 Mardi Gras Film Festival; the first Australian film to do so in the festival’s history. The film was also accepted into Melbourne International Film Festival, Outfest, & BFI Flare London to name a few and is being distributed by Arcadia Pictures locally & around the world. She has most recently directed the series IGGY & ACE for SBS which premiered at SERIES MANIA. Her earlier work includes writing on the Netflix series SISTERS and the ACORN series MY LIFE IS MURDER starring Lucy Lawless. She was also a Writer/Producer on the ABC nightly Comedy series TONIGHTLY WITH TOM BALLARD.
Director’s Statement
Ellie and Abbie (& Ellie’s Dead Aunt) had it’s first life as a play. Monica wrote it out of a sheer desperation to see a lesbian, high school rom-com anywhere in the Australian entertainment landscape. The play had a breakout season in 2017 and after such an overwhelming response from the crowd so Monica set out to turn it into a feature film. For Monica it wasn’t just about making sure that there was a lesbian prom film out there for teens, it was also about making an LGBT film she could watch with her mum: “There are so many excellent Queer films out there that I enjoy, for example BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOUR but there are almost none that I could sit down and watch with my family”. Authentic casting was also incredibly important to the project , with 60% Queer identifying cast, including non-binary actor Zoe Terakes in a leading role.