
主演| 林耀声、曾国祥、陈惠敏
香港新进年轻摄影师林(Lim)罹患罕见的癌症,迫使他去瑞士求医接受一项超高风险手术。 在与他那拘谨的兄长呆在一起的同时,他与初恋情人一位银行家Andre重新点燃了充满激情和动荡的关系。 手术失败后,兄长和情人弃他而去,林独自一人为生存而战,腰部挂着一个造口,寻找活下去的理由。

“Kit,你就当自己是代母,麻烦你把我的孩子生出来吧。”那是2014年的暑假,我和李志超(Julian)在伦敦的一家室外咖啡室坐着聊剧本。“就当是别人的故事拍出来。”他说完,我就知道,再多的讨论都是一样,我就是要把电影拍出来就好了。从Julian口中知道,《造口人》是Julian 两段发生在不同时空的经历交织而成,第一段是他的抗癌经历;第二段就是他和Andrea 那一段令人沉溺,但似有虚无的爱情故事。上面提到的这一个中特写镜头,也许能帮大家走入子念(Julian)的世界,感受一下,当造口成为唯一可以生存下去的条件,和男同性恋者屁眼的“性快感”成为极端对立的时候,在“残存”和“生活”之间的挣扎是怎样的一个感觉。一个造口,对Julian而言,除了无时无刻提醒他不能再“正正常常”地做爱之外,亦不断提醒他手术未能完全切除所有癌细胞的事实。由这一个镜头及对白开始,我们就可以看透子念和爸爸、和哥哥及和Andrea千丝万缕的纠缠。
最后,记得Julian在最后一次见面的时候用了当时一首流行曲的几句歌词总结整套片子的精神和结尾 – 那是Dido 的 《White Flag》,歌词是这样的:

Director|Kit Hung
Screenwriter|Julian Lee
Cast|Sing Lam, Stefan Kollmuss, Derek Tsang, Chan Wai Man
Producer|Chow Keung, Liliane Ott
Cinematographer|Raquel Fernández
Genre|Feature film
Dialogue|English, Mandarin, Cantonese, German
Subtitles|Chinese, English
Region|Hong Kong, China
A rare cancer forces Lim, an up and coming Hong Kong photographer, to brave his journey to Switzerland for a risky life-saving operation. While staying with his reluctant brother, he re-ignites a passionate and turbulent affair with an old flame, his first lover, a reckless banker. Quickly abandoned by his brother and lover after his operation failure, he alone fights for his survival, with a stoma fitted to his waist, searching a reason to live on.
* STOMA is an artificial surgically created opening in the abdomen to replace the function of an anus.
Director Biography
Kit Hung graduated with an M.F.A. from the Department of Film, Video and New Media, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Lecturer of the Academy of film, Hong Kong Baptist University. His films have won numerous international awards and were screened at over 120 international film festivals. His debut feature Soundless Wind Chime was one of the 3 finalists nominated for the Teddy Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, released in more than 16 countries in 6 languages. He is currently a research student in the department of Media and Communication in the Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK. Stoma written by Julian Lee, is Kit Hung’s second feature.
Director’s Statement
“Doctor, I need my anus back, I can’t live with a stoma, I am gay, please.”
It was 2014 when Julian and I were sitting by an outdoor cafe in London discussing the film. “Kit, just help me deliver the baby, treat it as somebody’s story.” Julian told me. That was the moment I knew I had to get it done. Julian told me that this film was the entanglement of two separate experiences of his, happening in different time and space – his cancer fighting story, and his indulging yet indistinct relationship with “Andrea”. The above line from Lim might well state how the result of a medical procedure, a stoma, has ruined a queer life, although it is considered the only way to survive. The existence of a stoma means the inability to enjoy gay sex. In Julian’s case, it was also the haunting of a surgical failure – the return of cancerous cells. The stoma, apart from being the result of a medical procedure, is also an object which keeps reminding Lim of the struggle between survival and the pleasure of living.
I hope the film “Stoma” can open a window for us to hear the voices of the marginalized queer community. In Sinophone culture, we don’t like to talk about “illness”, especially “cancer”. Together with the taboo in sex and homosexuality, the story of a gay cancer survivor is almost invisible in society. While we continue to celebrate the mainstream, bright and sunny homonormative values in the queer community, “Stoma” seeks to explore the feelings and presents the journey of a queer cancer fighter: while intimacy and relationship are still hard to develop, the internalized homophobia that is inside us due to a long social suppression, plus the presence of a chronic illness (as a curse in the film), seems to have further muted us from reaching out. I hope “Stoma” can connect these silences and let the inner voices of the marginalized be heard.
To end this director’s statement, I would like to use a quote Julian during the coffee conversation. It is from the song “White Flag” by Dido, which might well explain to us the ending and life philosophy of Lim.
“I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door, I’m in love and always will be.”
Thank you, Julian.