酷儿电影论坛开幕词 Time of lights and images


——致辞酷儿电影论坛 – 第三届北京酷儿电影节
















For  Queer Films Forum – 3rd Beijing Queer Film Forum

By Cui Zi’en


A friend comments jokingly: You guys are celebrat­ing the Queer Film Festival in the same manner as the Summer Olympic Games – that’s four year per tournament. Being a new born infant, one’s future is beyond conseption, one has to fumble with dust and blood at every turn in the grown up world.


We don’t mean to be a form of cinematic Olympics, neither do we strive for such,.. So we have moved up the Festival by a year so that it takes place every 3 years. We last hosted a festival of this kind in 2004.


Previous festivals featured films which already had established audience; but this time we have added a “Short Films” section as part of our innovative ap­proach. This is to afford young filmmakers with an opportunity to showcase their talent. As expected, considerable numbers of young talent belonging to the post-80’s even post-85’s generation have carved their images in verdure as creations inspired by the brilliance and vitality of this Queer Film Festival.


The Festival allows for the opening up of spaces for discourse and for the formation of forums where film­makers, critics, and audiences alike can sit together and seek to rid themselves of the gulfs and fences that result from mis-information and to facilitate un­derstanding through engaged discorse. This exercise need not be governed by a specific framework nor theoretic authority, its most important aspect is that of respect and communication.


The Organizing Committee of the Beijing Queer Film Festival adopts a Duty Chairman System. The festi­val does not adopt a competitive approach nor does it present any awards. This is a means of avoiding the assessment of films through competitive crite­ria much like those governing the Olympic Games. The next festival has been planned and will begin with a tour of China This will assist in attracting new members to the committee and raise the status of the festival to that of a national festival. Our delegate Yangyang, who is currently in Brussels and can’t be present today, made a very impressive speech at the closure of the 1st Beijing Queer Film Festival although from a heterosexual individual’s perspective.. At this time we would like to hand over to Mr. Zhu Rikun, who’s also is of a heterosexual orientation to make the closing remarks. The support received from the heterosexual community goes to show that the Chi­nese Queer film festival is not striving alone.


As time advances one is sure of difficulties ahead, however our Queer Film Festival is still in its infancy and will continue to strive though with dignity.