Post: 《我係我》 I am ME




I am ME

2013 | 20 min | 曾庆宏 Eric Tsang

纪录短片 Short Documentary

编剧 Screenwriter

曾庆宏 Eric Tsang

主演 Cast

黄耀明 Anthony Wong, 周耀辉 Chow Yiu Fai, 蔡宝琼 Choi Po King, 林二汶 Eman Lam, 梁咏恩 Joanne Leung, 许宝强 Hui Po Keung, Billy Leung, 陈志全 Ray Chan

制片人 Producer

John Erni, 曾庆宏 Eric Tsang

摄影 Cinematographer

曾庆宏 Eric Tsang

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

Chinese, English

制作机构 Production Group

粉红同盟 Pink Alliance


故事梗概 Synopsis


群。这个系列邀请了 8 位嘉宾分享他们对校园性别歧视的看法,当中有理性思


以拍自己的「I AM ME 我是我」短片。

Campus is a place where discrimination prevails. And Students are always lack the strength to endure the pain of discrimination. This film introduces eight speakers to share their thoughts on school bullying, from both rational and emotional perspectives. The presenters hope the audience can take this work as reference and produce their own I am ME video to echo this topic in the future.


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director

曾庆宏,25 歲,19 岁开始於报章撰稿,曾为《明报星期日生活》及《Milk》专栏作者,着有小说《亥时出世》。现为香港中文大学传播学硕士研究生,主要研究华语独立电影导演。他同时也是独立电影导演,作品曾入围意大利及美国数个国际电影节,并曾获第二届华人青年短片大赛最佳导演奖。

Eric Tsang, aged 25, is an MPhil student from the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He started writing for newspapers at the age of 19 and was later appointed as a columnist of local newspaper Ming Pao and the magazine Milk. He published his first co-written fiction, Born at Hai, in 2009. Eric is also an independent film director whose works have been selected by international film festival in Italy and the U.S. He was awarded Best Director in the 2nd M21 Chinese Youth Short Film Contest.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement



I have a special target audience for this film: not people who discriminate or suffer from discrimination, but the majority who stand aside.