The Right to Make a Choice
2013| 7min |诺米·维伊拉Noémie Vieillard
纪录短片 Short Documentary
故事梗概 Synopsis
Paris, France, December 16th 2012: March for same-sex marriage and equality of rights!
导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director
诺米﹒维拉德(Noémie Vieillard)是一名31岁的女性,她热衷于图像,以及图像传递的信息。她曾当过护士, 时间帮助她不断累积知识和提高技能。她总是随身携带相机和高清摄像头, 她想要通过她的视角记录事件以及传递信息
Noémie Vieillard is a 31-year-old woman who is passionate about the image and the messages it can convey. She first worked as a nurse and over time deepened her film knowledge and expertise. She always keeps her camera close at hard as a way of calling to mind and conveying messages through her eye.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
We’re all isolated individuals, but we are also part of society and we don’t live for eternity. If everyone lived his/her own life by respecting others, the world would be better … These two documentaries were the first two that I made while I had just decided to embark on my passion as a director. Faced with this outburst of intolerance and pitiful human behavior, it was the right time.