Post: 《掰了金发妞》 Bye Bye Blondie


Bye Bye Blondie (2)


Bye Bye Blondie

2012 | 98 min | 维吉妮·德彭特Virginie Despentes

剧情长片 Feature Film

Bye Bye Blondie (1)    Bye Bye Blondie (3)

故事梗概 Synopsis


Gloria and Frances met in the 80s. They were in love the way people are in love when they are sixteen: sex, drugs and rock & roll. Then they were separated by life events and took very different paths. Twenty years later, Frances comes back to find Gloria…


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director

维吉妮·德彭特是一名法国作家,小说家和电影制作人。她定居里昂,曾在挂牌“按摩院”当过女佣,妓女,脱衣舞女,在唱片店当过售货员,自由撰稿人,和色情电影评论家。后来她搬到巴黎,她的小说“美丽东西”(Les Jolies)被吉勒·巴盖特-布赫内改编成电影于2001年搬上荧幕。玛莉安·歌迪雅和斯托米·巴格西在片中担任主角。这部电影在2001年杜维尔电影节被授予Michel d’Ornano奖项。

2000年, 她执导的第一部电影改编自她的小说“强暴我/悲情世界”(Baise-moi)。电影讲述的是当代典型的强暴与复仇的故事, 属于剥削类型电影。从2004年到2005年, 她用一个博客记录了她的日常生活

2005年,她为A.S. Dragon组合的专辑“Va chercher la police”写了三首歌

2006年, 她出版了一部非小说类作品“金刚理论”(King Kong Theory)。它叙述了她在法国性产业的个人经历以以及她撰写“悲情世界”时所遭到的骂声与赞美声。

2009年她执导的第一部纪录片“Mutantes (Féminisme Porno Punk)”, 在TV Pink上播出。

2010年,她的小说“Apocalypse bébé”获得法国雷诺多文学奖(Renaudot prize)


Bye Bye Blondie - Virginie Despentes

Virginie Despentes is a French writer, novelist and filmmaker. She settled in Lyon where she worked as a maid, a prostitute at massage parlors and peep shows, a sales clerk at a record store, and a freelance rock journalist and pornographic film critic. Then she moved to Paris. Her novel Les jolies choses was adapted for the screen in 2001 by Gilles Paquet-Brenner with Marion Cotillard and Stomy Bugsy in the lead roles. The film was awarded the Michel d’Ornano prize at the 2001 Deauville Festival.

In 2000, she directed her first film, an adaptation of her novel Baise-moi. The film is a contemporary example of a rape-and-revenge film within the exploitation film genre. From 2004 to 2005, she wrote a blog that documented her daily life.

In 2005, she wrote three songs for the album Va chercher la police for the group A.S. Dragon.

In 2006, she published a non-fiction work, King Kong Theory. It recounts her experiences in the French sex industry and the infamy and praise she garnered for writing Baise-moi.

In 2009 she directed her first documentary, Mutantes (Féminisme Porno Punk), which was broadcast on TV Pink.

In 2010, her novel Apocalypse bébé was awarded the Renaudot prize. 

Bye Bye Blondie was adapted for film with Béatrice Dalle and Emmanuelle Béart. Cecilia Backes and Salima Boutebal produced a stage adaptation of King Kong Theory during the Festival d’Avignon.