《不存在的选择》 A Choice, Maybe Not



A Choice, Maybe Not

2012 | 8min | 吴漫 Jenny Man Wu

剧情短片 Short Narrative

编剧 Screenwriter

吴漫 Jenny Man Wu

主演 Cast

赵银实 Zhao Yinshi,吴珊 Wu Shan,崔悅枫 Cui Yuefeng

制片人 Producer

吴漫 Jenny Man Wu

摄影 Cinematographers

舒俊 Shu Jun, 张晶蕾 Zhang Jinglei

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

中英 Chinese, English

制作机构 Production Group

漫不经心影像与艺术 Inadvertent Video and Art


故事梗概 Synopsis

《不存在的选择》剧照3 《不存在的选择》剧照4



Jen had been wondering whether she has an obsessive disorder. Facing different choices in life, she always feels helpless. When she was talking with her friend at a coffee shop about having too many choices, she felt even more depressed. Plus, she can never resist a painter, just as she can never resist a cup of coffee at coffee shop.


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director



个人创作影片有《一种孤独》、《不存在的选择》、《犯罪现场》、《遗书》。剧情短片《一种孤独》是在北京电影学院进修期间的作品,完成于2012年6月。曾经凭借此片受邀参加2012年日本京都电影人工作坊,与来自世界各国的20名导演于日本松竹摄影棚学习传统“时代剧”的拍摄。2012年12月于日本参与拍摄短片《赌事》(该片获得Hardboiled Yokohama电影节最佳短片奖。)本片曾参加2013年8月第十届北京独立影像展,2013年6月第六届北京酷儿影展,2013年11月第一届中国民间女性影展。实验短片《犯罪现场》于2013年5月参加北京黑桥“OFF空间”的“伟大的舞台”艺术录像展,2013年10月入围@798“创意跨界中国”青年创意大赛。独角戏短片《遗书》完成于2013年7月。2013年8月参加北京黑桥艺术区“空的空间”举办的“塞姬的节奏”艺术群展,2013年11月第一届民间女性影展,2014年北京觉青年艺术节,入围2014年FIRST青年影展青年单元短片竞赛。


Jenny Man Wu went to the Netherlands for college at the age of seventeen. After returned to Beijing, she studied in the literature department of the Beijing Film Academy and at Li Xianting Film School. She is an independent filmmaker, feminist activist, and Co-Director of the 7th Beijing Queer Film Festival. Her film works include Some Sort of Loneliness, A Choice, Maybe Not, Crime Scene, and Last Words. Some Sort of Loneliness was shown at the 10th Beijing Independent Film Festival in 2013, at the 6th Beijing Queer Film Festival in 2013, and atthe 1st China Women’s Film Festival in 2013. Crime Scene was exhibited at The Great Stage Video show at Beijing Black Bridge Off Space and at @798 Creative Crossover China Youth Creative Competition, where it won 3rd place. Last Wordswas shown in the group art show Psyche of Rhythm at Kong Space, Hei Qiao Art District, Beijing, in 2013, and at the 1st China Women’s Film Festival in 2013. Last Words was also selected for nomination as best Short Narrative at the FIRST Youth Film Festival in Xiningin 2014.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement



The expansive choice of consumer society doesn’t give me much freedom. To the contrary, most of the time it makes me feel tightly constrained. It’s probably fatalism. Painters with natural and original spirits are impossible for me to resist, so no matter how many choices are out there, there are in fact no meaningful choices at all. They only exist in your mind.