Come Dance With Me
刘蕴奕 Yunyi LIU 魏勃之 Bozhi WEI
2024|开幕片 Opening Film
“一位 80 多岁的常客说:“爱就是空虚。”
他们是孤独的。对他们来说,舞厅是为数不多的可以寻求片刻欢乐的地方之一。但它正逐渐失去光彩——几乎没有年轻人光顾,而那些年迈的人再也没有回来过。它似乎被遗弃了。就像它的名字所召唤的那样:“来来“,即 “来吧,来吧”,它曾经充满了活力与欢乐的诱惑,但遗憾的是,它已不复存在。
When romance involves money and sickness from reckless lust, those in it often find themselves down a path that leaves behind no mercy.
When music hits the floor of the Lai Lai Ballroom in Shanghai, frequenters stand up, make their way to the centre and form pairs between men, dancing away their stored emotions. This ballroom has gained its fame in the past two decades among the local gay community. However, it is little known to outsiders, even those passing this aged building have failed to detect the dance floor inside, which is a sanctuary for hundreds of gay men who are no longer young. Romantic encounters, separations and reunions, this place has seen it all.
This ballroom opens its arms to men with all kinds of stories: a monk who yields to his own desire, an HIV-positive individual who hides from one hurting relationship by entering another, and a transgender person making a living with breast prostheses. They find a moment of comfort and understanding here, and soon they leave to carry on with what life expects of them in the real world.
“Love is emptiness,” said a frequenter who is in his 80s.
They are lonely. To them this ballroom is one of the very few places to seek a moment of joy. But it is gradually losing its glory—barely any young people visit, and those aging never made it back. It seems to have been left behind. Like what its name beckons: “Lai Lai”, or “Come, Come”, it was once filled with the lure of vigor and joy, but sadly no more.
In May 2018, this venue was closed. Nobody knows whether it will ever re-open to those who miss it.
Director: Liu Yunyi, Wei Bozhi
Producer: Xu Jie
Cinematographer: Liu Yunyi, Wei Bozhi
Genre: Documentary film
Length: 91 min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Mandarin Chinese
Region: China
Production Company: None
刘蕴奕 Yunyi LIU
1994 年出生,现工作生活于上海。她毕业于上海华东师范大学社会学院。2015 年,她开始尝试通过影像项目进行表达,主攻纪录片制作。2016 年至 2018 年,她拍摄了自己的第一部纪录片《来来》。
Born in 1994, Liu currently works and lives in Shanghai. She is a graduate of the School of Sociology at East China Normal University in Shanghai. In 2015, she started attempts in expression through video projects, with a focus on documentary making. She made her first documentary, Come Dance with Me between 2016 and 2018.
魏勃之 Bozhi WEI
1989 年出生,2011 年毕业于上海工艺美术职业学院新媒体专业。毕业后,一直从事以拍摄和剪辑为主的电影制作工作。2015 年,他参与了 MoCA Pavilion 的项目 “爱在公园”。之后,他剪辑了纪录片《杂技人生》和《51 Personae》。2018年,魏勃之加入了纪录片《来来》的拍摄制作。
Born in 1989,He graduated from Shanghai Art and Design Academy in 2011, majoring in new media. Since graduation, Wei has been involved in film production, mainly shooting and editing. In 2015, he worked in the project “Love in the Park” with MoCA Pavilion. He later edited documentaries including Acrobatic Life and 51 Personae. Wei joined the production team of the documentary Come Dance with Me in 2018.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
近二十年来,来来舞厅在上海男同性恋群体中声名鹊起。它尤其受到中老年男同性恋的欢迎。这里向有着各种故事的男人敞开怀抱:一个屈服于自己欲望的和尚,一个从一段伤害关系逃到另一段伤害关系的HIV携带者,一个靠义乳谋生的跨性别者。他们在这里找到片刻的慰藉和理解,然后回到现实生活中的期待。2018 年 5 月,这里暂停营业。没有人知道它是否会重新向那些怀念它的人开放。
Lai Lai Ballroom has gained its fame in the past two decades within Shanghai’s gay community. It is particularly popular among middle-aged and elderly gay men. This place opens its arms to men with all kinds of stories: a monk who yields to his own desire, an HIV-positive individual who hides from one hurting relationship to another, and a transgender person making a living with breast prostheses. They find a moment of comfort and understanding here, before returning to what life expects of them in the real world. In May 2018, this place was closed. Nobody knows whether it will ever re-open to those who miss it.