黄蜂鲨鱼贩卖机 Wasps, Sharks and Vending Machines


Director: Kew Lin
Screenwriter: Kew Lin
Cast: Daniel Knight, Shaun Stone
Producer: John Somerville
Cinematographer: Brendan Harvey
Genre: Narrative Short
Length: 7min
Year: 2021
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: UK
Production Company: Screentone

故事梗概 Synopsis


A seemingly mundane conversation in a London jazz bar compels an arrogant psychologist to face up to his own phobia.

导演介绍 Director Biography


【断舍离】(Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival, SeaShorts)

【宠物与晚餐】(65th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen)

Kew Lin is a Singaporean writer-director with the attitude of a contrarian and an obsession for absurdity. He has recently co-written British feature film Love Possibly, which premiered at Raindance Film Festival.

  • Of Pets & Dinner (65th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen)
  • Uncle Goose Waits For A Phone Call (Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival, SeaShorts)

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3321204/

导演阐述 Director Statement



Shot by the River Thames in London, “Wasps, Sharks & Vending Machines” is a chamber piece about facing one’s irrational fear — something so unnecessary yet so palpable — something that we all want to conceal with a huge amount of bravado and anger.

Jarvis is an eloquent raconteur who is quick to criticise the irrational fears of others, while Connor patiently challenges and dismantles his ramblings. I think all of us can see ourselves in either one of the two characters.

Through the three quirky anecdotes presented in “Wasps, Sharks & Vending Machines”, I hope that my audience can think about how our fears are nothing more than a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth, and that a listening ear must never be mistaken for docility.

Section 377A is a law in my hometown of Singapore that criminalises sex between consenting male adults — and it has been repealed this year. It is one of the only times, if not the only time, that our government addressed the topic of homosexuality to his people. There is possibly no better time than now to tell even more queer-themed stories, and normalise the subject in the world of cinema!