导演:徐在 王思思
摄影:徐在 王思思
Director: Zai Xu, Sisi Wang
Screenwriter: None
Cast: None
Producer: Peiqin Zhou
Cinematographer: Zai Xu, Sisi Wang
Genre: Short Documentary
Length: 38min22s
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: China
Production Company: Visual Sociology/Anthropology Laboratory, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University
故事梗概 Synopsis
纪录片《我们这种合唱团》主要讲述南京市性别多元合唱团New Jump在2020年11月至2021年7月期间发生的故事。合唱团受疫情和其特殊性的影响,在过程中经历许多思想及观点上的冲突,因而碰撞出如合唱团般“不同的花火”。《我们这种合唱团》主要反映酷儿团体在社会上的困境,以及作为个体的他们如何在冲突中调节自身与社会的关系。
The documentary “The Choir of Our Kind” mainly tells the story of Nanjing’s gender-diverse choir New Jump during November 2020 and July 2021. Affected by the epidemic and its particularity, the choir experienced many conflicts of ideas and viewpoints in the process, and thus collided with “different fireworks” like the chorus. “The Choir of Our Kind” mainly reflects the plight of queer groups in society and how they, as individuals, adjust their relationship with society in the midst of conflict.
导演介绍 Director Biography
Wang Sisi, graduated from the Department of Psychology of Nanjing University, is currently studying at Communication University of China, majoring in documentary studies, has created works: “Night Market 696” (2020), “The Wall” (2021), “Senior Apartment” (2021).
导演阐述 Director Statement
This film tries to tease out a core question from the field images: what does a queer choir look like in the Chinese context? From the daily rehearsals, interactions, conductor speeches, and meetings of the choir members, the answer to this question will be gradually presented. In the dynamic and changing contemporary China, various macro factors, historical backgrounds, cultural environments and individual cognitions all affect the way of existence and self-positioning of choir organizers and members. We try to present to the audience the real feelings of the photographer in the field, allowing the audience to experience the diversity, complexity and conflict within the queer community. This film does not stop at showing the commendable “positive energy” from the music and performances of the choir, but tries to reveal the real situation of the Chinese queer community through this microscopic interactive field.