主演:玛丽安 宥藤 颜卉婕
制片人:钟政光 董育麟 雷利
类型:音乐剧 喜剧 奇幻 家庭
Director: Erich Rettstadt
Screenwriter: Erich Rettstadt
Cast: Marian Mesula, Ryan Lin, Danielle Yen
Producer: C.K. Hugo Chung, Anita Tung, Erich Rettstadt
Cinematographer: Danny Wang
Genre: Musical,Comedy, Fantasy, Family
Length: 9min17s
Year: 2021
Dialogue: Chinese
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: Taiwan China
Production Company: Spotlight Entertainment
故事梗概 Synopsis
The magical Tank Fairy delivers her tanks unlike any other – with sass, stilettos and a healthy helping of glitter. Her arrival upends the life of Jojo, a lonely ten-year-old who dreams of dancing and drag. Outcast by classmates and misunderstood by his stern, single mom, Jojo is inspired to live out loud by his fierce, propane-toting fairy godmother. TANK FAIRY is a musical extravaganza that encourages us all to embrace our authentic selves.
导演介绍 Director Biography
雷利是美国籍酷儿编导,作品向来强调社会包容性且具逃离现实的魔幻色彩。他大学毕业于NYU Tisch【纽约学蒂施艺术学院】艺术学院电影系,之后于南加大电影学院取得编剧硕士。毕制作品《全州辩论赛》获Panavision新导演奖学金并入选多项国际影展,由于《全州辩论赛》的成功,雷利获得美国国家电影评论协会会员资格。其作品《男伴娘》在美国影艺学会管理的编剧研究计划(The Academy Nicholl Fellowships)进入决选8强。4年前获选华语奖学金赞助,于国立台湾大学就读中文。雷利目前与先生定居于台北,他们致力于创作与桶妆仙女同系列的短篇影集。
Erich Rettstadt is a queer American filmmaker and theater artist whose work emphasizes inclusivity and escapism. He obtained his BFA in Film Production from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and MFA in Writing for Screen & TV from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. TANK FAIRY premiered at SXSW 2022 (Audience Award) and is an Official Selection at 80+ festivals in 20+ countries.
导演阐述 Director Statement
变装在生活中无所不在。变装可以是我们每天出门前的打扮,也可以是我们为了融入瞬息万变的世界里所扮演的角色。一言以蔽之,所谓的变装,就是对于社会既定认知与结构的抗议之举,也是⼀种实践真我的机会。《桶妆仙女》一片,以变装为创作主题出发,希望能对无惧的存在和纯粹的自我展现给予喝采。我对变装的想法与定义是不断变化的,但⼀切演变的源头都来自当年在纽约布鲁克林的地下酒吧时,所接触到的众生相—由惊为天人的才能以及难以抗拒的身体能量所成就的舞台与表演。自从移居台北后,我在这里的酷儿圈找到志同道合的伙伴,也藉由精彩的变装秀,在地球的另⼀端重温了当年在纽约时体会过的风采和爆发。所以我决定跟台湾的伴侣一起合作开发出探索变装的影视计划,希冀捕捉这独具格的魅力。“桶妆仙女” 刻意恶趣味的包装,来重新检视台湾传统男性主导的职业,打破世俗对刻板性别观念的认知,同时赋予其新时代的意义对本地特有生活风格致敬。当影片中的角色们,在布满亮粉的瓦斯桶前劲歌热舞时,她们也挑战且展现出对于身分的多元认同。这个故事在歌颂台湾的特有化与环境时,也旨在强调性里普世价值的可贵。一如电影中桶妆仙女施展魔力,我由衷希望这部影片能提醒每个与众不同的美好。
Drag is all around us. It’s the costume we put on in the morning, the character we play to survive in this unwieldy world. To the initiated, drag is an act of defiance against confining social structures and an opportunity to actualize a higher self. TANK FAIRY celebrates the power of fearless existence and unvarnished self-expression.
My ever-evolving definition of drag was first forged in the dive bars of Brooklyn where stages teem with undeniable talent and glisten with unidentifiable bodily fluids. After relocating to Taipei, I found camaraderie in queer spaces, connecting with the same vibrant, brazen energy of live drag shows on the other side of the planet. In collaboration with my Taiwanese partner, I embarked on developing a project to capture the art form’s ubiquitous allure.
TANK FAIRY gives a campy makeover to a traditionally male dominated profession, defiantly rejecting antiquated notions of gender while paying respect to a distinct facet of everyday life in Taiwan. As characters dance among glittery gas tanks, laying claim to dynamic, intersecting identities, our story celebrates uniquely Taiwanese culture and circumstances while affirming our common humanity. TANK FAIRY casts a spell, reminding us all of our extraordinary fabulousness