制片公司:Auto Images
Director: Magnus Gertten
Screenwriter: Magnus Gertten
Cast: None
Producer: Ove Rishoig Jensen
Cinematographer: Caroline Troedsson
Genre: Feature Documentary
Length: 93min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Swedish, French, English, Spanish
Subtitles: English
Region: Sweden, Norway
Production Company: Auto Images
故事梗概 Synopsis
Nelly & Nadine is the unlikely love story between two women falling in love on Christmas Eve, 1944, in the Ravensbruck concentration camp. Despite being separated in the last months of the war, Nelly and Nadine manage to later reunite and spend the rest of their life together. For many years their love story was kept a secret, even to some of their closest family.
Now Nelly’s grand child, Sylvie, has decided to open Nelly and Nadine’s unseen personal archives and uncover their remarkable story.
导演介绍 Director Biography
马格努斯·格滕是一位来自瑞典马尔默的获奖导演与制片人。自1998年以来,他为瑞典国家电视台和多个国际电视频道导演了超过15部纪录片。他的作品已经在60多个国家的电视台和电影节放映。马格努斯·格滕是Auto Images的共同所有人,是该公司的创意核心。他执导了Auto Images制作的大部分影片,也担任该公司其他影片以及公司参与的小型合拍项目的叙事顾问。马格努斯·格滕最近的作品包括纪录长片《Only the Devil Lives without Hope》、《Becoming Zlatan》以及《Every Face Has a Name》。《Only the Devil Lives without Hope》在哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节、加拿大国际纪录片电影节和韩国EIDF国际纪录电影节首映,并在世界多地的电影节和电视台放映。他与弟弟冯德利克·格滕合作执导的影片《Becoming Zlatan》于2015年阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节首映,并参与了多个国际电影节,这部影片在全球范围发行,与网飞签订了全球性发行协议。合拍片《Every Face Has a Name》预售给了全球范围内的11家电视台,并获得多个国际奖项,包括国际影评人费比西奖。这部电影还曾在欧洲议会进行放映。他与斯特凡·伯格共同执导的《A Thousand Pieces》在北欧院线共售出了超过16万张电影票,也是自2014年以来瑞典所有院线发行电影中评价最好的一部。他的纪录片《Harbour of Hope》曾在瑞典院线上映并于2012年3月在塞萨洛尼基电影节进行了国际首映。他的代表作还有《Rolling Like a Stone》(2005)和 《Long Distance Love》(2008),《Rolling Like a Stone》在2006年美国电影学会暨发现频道纪录片影展上获得了最佳音乐纪录片奖,《Long Distance Love》于2009年汉普顿国际电影节荣获最佳纪录片奖。《Long Distance Love》和他的另一部作品《Only the Devil Lives without Hope》一样聚焦于中亚地区。马格努斯·格滕拥有电视与广播新闻记者的背景,也做过许多年的音乐记者。2017年他获得马尔默大学荣誉博士学位。
Magnus Gertten is an award-winning director and producer from Malmö, Sweden. Since 1998, he has directed more than 15 documentaries for SVT and international TV channels. His films have been screened by broadcasters and at film festivals in more than 60 countries. Magnus Gertten is co-owner of Auto Images and the creative centre of the company. Gertten directs a majority of the productions made at Auto Images. He also serves as narrative consultant and adviser on other Auto Images films and on the minor coproductions the company is involved in. Magnus Gertten’s latest works include feature length documentaries Only the Devil Lives without Hope, Becoming Zlatan and Every Face Has a Name. Only the Devil Lives without Hope premiered at cph:dox, HotDocs and EIDF Korea and travelled world-wide to festivals and on television. Becoming Zlatan, co-directed with his younger brother Fredrik Gertten premiered at the 2015 IDFA festival and has travelled international festivals and was sold for distribution worldwide including a global deal with Netflix.
Every Face Has a Name was co-produced and pre-sold to 11 broadcasters worldwide and has received several international awards, including a FIPRESCI Award. The film was screened at The European Parliament. His film Tusen Bitar / A Thousand Pieces, co-directed with Stefan Berg, has sold over 160.000 tickets in Nordic cinemas. It was the best reviewed film in Sweden among all cinema releases in 2014. His documentary Harbour of Hope had Swedish cinema release and its international festival premiere at Thessaloniki Documentary Film festival in March 2012. Among Magnus’ other films are Rolling Like a Stone (2005) and Long Distance Love (2008). Rolling Like a Stone won the Best Music Documentary Award at the Silverdocs/AFI Festival in 2006. Long Distance Love won Best Documentary at Hamptons International Film Festival in 2009. Long Distance Love focused on Central Asia, just like Only the Devil Lives Without Hope does. Magnus Gertten has a background as TV and radio journalist, including several years as a music journalist. Since 2017 he’s an honorary doctor at the Malmö university.
导演阐述 Director Statement
制作这部影片的想法可以追溯到2007年,那一年我开始调查在我的家乡马尔默发生过的历史事件。在二战即将结束的几个月期间,大约有一万五千名纳粹德国集中营的幸存者被解救送至瑞典。在马尔默的港口,这些幸存者迈出了通往自由的第一步。瑞典的新闻媒体详细记录了1945年4月28日这一天发生的上述场景,在港口就位的很多优秀的摄影师捕捉到了令人难忘的影像:在他们的特写镜头中,是那些刚刚逃离骇人集中营的人们。这些档案胶片约有40分钟,就题材而言它们是独一无二的。我被这些出现在档案中的面庞迷住了,这些刚刚获得自由的幸存者曾经就站在我家乡的港口上。我问自己,在时隔70年之后,我是否还有可能找到他们?于是,一段漫长的以影像为载体的旅程开始了,之前的两部纪录片就与之有关。《Harbour of Hope》(2011)从宏观视角记录了1945年瑞典的各个城市如何接管这些幸存者,而《Every Face Has a Name》(2015)则更加概念化,为这些匿名的脸庞加上了名字。我很自豪这两部作品已经在世界各地放映并获得了很多奖项。
The idea for Nelly & Nadine goes all the way back to 2007. That was the year when I started to investigate a historical event in my hometown Malmö, Sweden. During a couple of months at the end of World War II almost 15.000 survivors from the concentration camps in Nazi Germany were rescued to Sweden. In the harbour of Malmö these survivors took their first steps of freedom. One of these days, April 28, 1945, was carefully documented by Swedish news media. Some of the best film photographers were in place to capture haunting images, often in close up, of people who just escaped the horrors of the camps. The archive footage from Malmö is around 40 minutes long and unique in its kind. I became fascinated by the faces in the material, the newly liberated survivors who were standing in the harbour of my hometown. I asked myself: would it be possible to identify these survivors, almost 70 years later? There a long cinematic journey started which led to two different documentaries: Harbour of Hope (2011) which tells the big story about how a Swedish city takes care of the survivors in 1945, and Every Face Has a Name (2015), which is a more conceptual mission to put names to the anonymous faces. These two films, I’m proud to say, have been able to travel the world and collect awards.