Director: Sadeq Es-haqi
Screenwriter: Sadeq Es-haqi
Cast: Kiarash Dadgar, Armin Khoshnik
Producer: Sadeq Es-haqi, Kiarash Dadgar
Cinematographer: Farzad Shahab
Genre: Short film
Length: 22min
Year: 2022
Dialogue: Persian
Subtitles: Chinese, English
Region: Iran
Production Company: Lucid Horizon Films
故事梗概 Synopsis
阿拉什和拉希是一对生活在德黑兰的同性恋夫夫。他们搬到了一个新家,但平静的日常生活被拉希已经去世六年的前男友——萨德克的鬼魂打扰,并且萨德克要求与拉希生活在一起。阿拉什建议他们三人生活在同一屋檐下。就这样,他们似乎开启了崭新的生活… …
Arash and Rahi are gay couple living in Tehran. They moved to a new house with each other. Their daily life is interrupted by the ghost of Rahi’s ex-lover, Sadeq, who has passed away six years ago and the ghost asks Rahi to live with him. Arash recommends that three of them can live in the house in peace. It seems that their new life is beginning…
导演介绍 Director Biography
Sadeq Es-haqi, B.1998 Tehran, is a young filmmaker from Iran. He studies fine arts at Soore Art University of Tehran. He works as writer, director, editor, dramaturge, translator in cinema and theater. The main themes in his works are women and sexual identity. His first short film Collage (2019) has been selected in more than 20 film festivals around the world. He finished his second short film and working on his first feature film to be filmed soon.
导演阐述 Director Statement
Jouissance is one of the terms that Jacques Lacan discussed. It somehow means pleasure. This film tries to explore some Lacanian terms like 3 stages through the life of 3 characters and combine this kind of living with a poetic narrative and cinematography which results in a cinematic pleasure.
It’s an exploration into magical realism in cinema. I’m interested in Murakami’s literature and I follow most of the adapted movies of his literal works. I tried to create a spooky atmosphere that is similar to Murakami’s works.