Director: Hannah Miles Wong
Screenwriter: Hannah Miles Wong
Cast: Kimberley Kiew, Cassandra Spykerman
Producer: Sherry Yap
Cinematographer: Fendi Yasuda
Genre: Short film drama
Length: 15min42s
Year: 2022
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: English
Region: Singapore
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
A self-conscious conformist, 35-year-old Lin is forced out of her comfort zone when she stumbles upon a half-finished composition written about her by her son’s piano teacher, Sarah. As Lin tries to ignore it and find her way back to her usual routine, she begins to question if a life of conformity is what she really wants.
导演介绍 Director Biography
As a filmmaker, Hannah’s passion and values are the driving force of her work. To her, filmmaking is not about finding the most prestige or recognition, but about being a part of something impactful. She believe that the people around us all have stories to tell – stories we can learn from to expand our worldview.
Hannah aspires to create films that open the eyes of society to the hidden struggles of others, looking into the lives of the unseen and telling their stories in a way that we can all relate to. Through her films, she wants to incite positive change in the way people see life and their communities, fostering camaraderie and empathy within society.
导演阐述 Director Statement
In Tune is a story born out of the shared experience of the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore. Because of the strong conservative values we grow up with, it becomes ingrained in us that anything outside of a cisgender, heterosexual identity is not only unnatural, but repulsive. It has become a topic taboo to talk about in any serious capacity.
Growing up with that mindset, shame and guilt unsurprisingly become attached to the journey of finding out you might not be heterosexual. This causes many LGBTQ+ individuals to reject or hide their identity, aware of the rejection they will face in society if they were to embrace it. However, no matter their decision to accept their sexuality or not, the journey that Lin, our protagonist, goes through is a struggle that many people in the LGBTQ+ community in Singapore face.
In Asian society, we grow up carrying expectations imposed upon us by our families, more so than our peers in western society – pressures to excel in studies, juggle extracurricular activities and work, and in later years to secure a prestigious job, take care of our families and aging parents. This pressure to meet expectations causes many to push away the idea of looking for a partner or to explore their own interests. In the case of LGBTQ+ individuals, many do not discover their identity until later in life. For the character of Lin, it happens later than others because of the extra-normal circumstance she has found herself in.