你好,世界 Hello, World


Director: Kenneth Elvebakk
Screenwriter: Kenneth Elvebakk
Cast: Runa Elvira Erlien, Dina Wikstrøm, Joachim O. Hansen, Viktor Waal Solberg
Producer: Kari Anne Moe, Gudmundur Gunnarsson, Therese Högberg
Cinematographer: Nils Petter Lotherington
Genre: Documentary Feature, LGBT+, Youth, coming-of-age
Length: 88min
Year: 2021
Dialogue: Norwegian
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Region: Norway, Sweden
Production Company: Fuglene AS, Bautafilm AB

故事梗概 Synopsis


HELLO WORLD is a celebration of kids and young people who have the courage to be different and take pride in their identities, whether it’s coming out, coloring their hair blue or dressing without conforming to gender. While their classmates and friends are doing everything to fit in, Runa 12, Dina 13, Viktor 12, and Joachim 14, are defining themselves differently. They are the first people to be openly gay in their classes and the youngest ones in their respective communities to come out. But building pride is not easy in a world where hate messages are just a click away, and even harder in schools where administration and education systems seek to erase and marginalize outstanding voices. What is it really like to be the only open queer in the whole school? Told through the eyes of the four young people, the film gives us a window into understanding what it is like to grow up as a queer. What goes around in your head when you have actually decided to tell the outside world that you are queer, but the school asks you to wait so they can “prepare” the news first? Or when a teammate on the handball team accuses you of looking too much in the shower after training? And how are you going to find a date for the prom when you’re the only one at school who’s out of the closet? Will life as an open queer become easier over time? Hello World, is a fun, engaging and moving coming-of-age story about being true to yourself.

导演介绍 Director Biography


Kenneth Elvebakk is a Norwegian director. He is primarily known for his documentaries but has also made several short films and TV series. His work includes the award-winning documentaries Ballet Boys (2014), 3269 Daisy (2007), the tv-series Hullaballoo (2006) and The Secret Club (2003). His latest film Hello World (2021) has won six international awards. Elvebakk has worked five years for The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) – both in TV and radio. For the past 20 years, he has worked freelance as a director, focusing on LGBTIQ+ and coming-of-age stories. He received his education from The University of Oslo, The Norwegian School of Management and The Film and Television Academy in Oslo. For Kenneth, documentary storytelling is about helping to create change.

导演阐述 Director Statement

在我还是个孩子的时候,我就意识到自己是一名同性恋了。我在挪威北部的一个小镇长大,在那里,发现自己是同性恋大概是你所能遇到的最糟糕的事情。 1972 年,同性恋在挪威合法化,而我在一年后我开始上小学;即使这样,我的青少年时期还是被恐惧笼罩,害怕有人会泄露我的秘密。印象中,我在电视里看到过最早的角色之一是《王朝》里的史蒂文·卡林顿。当我还小的时候,埃尔顿·约翰甚至都还没有公开出柜,如今的媒体上却已经有许多公开自己是一名同性恋的名人,那为什么同性恋青少年们仍然害怕向别人展示真正的自己?我在开始筹备这部纪录片时这样问自己。



As a child, I already knew that I was gay. I grew up in a small town in the northern part of Norway. The worst thing you could be there was to be gay. It became legal to be gay in Norway in 1972. One year before I started in elementary school. I spent my teenage years in fear that someone would reveal my secret, one of the first gay characters from TV I can remember was Steven Carrington from the TV series Dynasty. When I was young, not even Elton John was openly gay. Today there are many gay celebrities in the media. So why are kids and young gay teenagers still afraid of telling others who they are? I ask myself in the beginning of this film project. 

In Hello World, it became important to capture the feeling of happiness in the faces of young people participating in Pride. In those pictures I can recognize my own feeling of happiness when I participated in my first Pride parade in Oslo.

What is special about Hello World is that they are as young as 12 and 13 years old when the film starts. And they should not change anything about themselves. The film is almost free for adults, and it’s adapted to the target group 12 to 16. The film raises the question about diversity and how we work with diversity in schools in Norway and with such young kids. For Runa, Dina, Viktor and Joachim, it is about finding their identity as queer. I think it is important to show kids that it can be okay to be young and queer. Being able to give kids positive queer role models at the same age is important. Queer characters who don’t die, who aren’t subjected to violence and who do quite well. Runa even gets a girlfriend. She experiences love. And that’s how life should be for a young queer person.