主演:朱静漪 黄宛霓 谌惠馨 古苑凯 骆忆兰 杨织綨
制片人:本杰明·N·阿特金斯 杨织綨
类型:剧情短片 家庭
对白语言:中文 英文
Director: Jacqueline Chan
Screenwriter: Gene Wang
Cast: Stacy Chu, Woan Ni Wooi, Grace Shen, Kaidy Kuna, Eddie Eng, Ryan Dizon, M.J. Kang, Heidi Luo.
Producer: Benjamin Nobuki Atkins, Zhiqi Yeoh
Cinematographer: Akina Van de Velde
Genre: Feature short, family drama
Length: 14min55s
Year: 2021
Dialogue: English, Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Region: United States
Production Company: None
故事梗概 Synopsis
Fishbowl follows Natalie Song (17) as she returns home with her childhood friend, Joanne Cheng (18), after their first semester of college to celebrate Chinese New Year at the Cheng household. Navigating festivities that were once inviting but now tinged with a foreign animosity, Natalie finds herself trapped between the burgeoning attraction she feels for Joanne and the unnerving attention placed upon them by both their families. Behind coded pleasantries and the gifting of an innocent goldfish as unwitting accomplice, Joanne’s ever-perceptive mother, Deborah, blackmails Natalie into ending her flirtation with Joanne. Natalie drives back to school the next morning, contemplating Deborah’s unspoken ultimatum.
导演介绍 Director Biography
陈炜霖于 2017 年获得加州大学圣地亚哥分校视觉艺术-传媒和艺术史学位,并于 2022 年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校电影制作/摄影艺术硕士学位。她在少数族裔占多数的城市旧金山出生和长大,她周围之人的故事是她的创作来源——TA们的生活如此生动,但从未被看见。她希望创作出基于亚裔美国人的独特体验又具有共通性的电影。
Jacqueline Chan obtained her degrees in Visual Arts – Media and Art History from UC San Diego in 2017 and her MFA degree in Film Production/Cinematography from UCLA in 2022. Born and raised in the minority-majority city of San Francisco, she is interested in the stories of those around her—whose lives are so vivid but are never seen. She hopes to encapsulate a cinema that is at once unique to a kind of Asian-American experience and yet universally relatable.
导演阐述 Director Statement
Fishbowl is a coming-of-age short film that explores the alienation from and the transitory phase between the home one grows up in, and the world one builds. It is within this transitory phase that perspectives shift and become scrutinized. The image of a fishbowl—a glass, transparent bowl that gives a seemingly unmediated view onto the housed subject within, a fish, yet in actuality, warps said view via the reflections and refractions of the water and curvature—perfectly encapsulates this coming-of-age experience. The protagonist’s world, like the fish’s, is held bare for the world to see, to comment, to judge. And yet, powerless to escape, the fish looks back. It is this exchange of looking and the power dynamics within these looks, that Fishbowl attempts to explore.
Starting this project in collaboration with a screenwriter, Gene Wang, I wanted to expand my cinematic practice. Embracing and leaning into characters and their desires, and attempting to direct a high-drama premise, in a rather low-key manner, necessitated a kind of hybrid practice that I’m not too familiar with. Nevertheless, it is this attempt at a hybrid approach that excites me so, in my already hybrid Asian-American existence. In this story, finely crafted by Gene, I find the same emotional resonance in my transition to adulthood and coming into my voice as a filmmaker. I am incredibly humbled and grateful to be able to share our crew’s collective attempt at a kind of Asian-American cinematic practice.