Post: 彩虹伴我心 Mama Rainbow



彩虹伴我心 Mama Rainbow

80 mins  2012 纪录片Documentary

中国 China

导演(Director):范坡坡 Fan Popo

制片人(Producer):阿强Ah Qiang, 魏建刚 Xiaogang Wei, 涂建平 Stijn Deklerck

对白(Dialogue): 中文 Chinese


制作机构(Production Company):同性恋亲友会PFLAG China

同志亦凡人Queer Comrades

中国酷儿独立影像小组China Queer Independent Films

北京纪安德Beijing Gender Health Education Institute




For Chinese parents, finding out that their kid is gay usually presents a major tragedy, with the big majority utterly unable to accept the homosexuality of their son or daughter.


导演简历Bio-filmography of Director:

范坡坡,独立导演、作家、活动家。 1985年出生,毕业于北京电影学院。曾出版《春光乍泄:百部同志电影全记录》。策划中国酷儿影像巡回展,足迹遍布中国二十几个城市。纪录片作品有:《新前门大街》、《柜族》、《纸房子》、《舞娘》等。 曾获智行基金同性恋议题论文奖三等奖,新浪博客大赛二等奖。2011年,他更获得第22届香港同志影展玲珑大奖,他是该奖项最年轻的得主。

Fan, Popo: Independent filmmaker, Writer, Activist.

Born in 1985, graduated from Beijing Film Academy.Published Happy Together: Complete Record of a Hundred Queer Films (Beifang Wenyi Press, 2007).

Third Prize in the LGBT Research Paper Prize, Chi-Heng Foundation; Second Prize in the’s prize for online video.

Participation in directing China Queer Film Festival Tour in over twenty major cities in China since 2008. Documentary works include: Taipei: city of rainbow, New Beijing, New Marriage, Chinese Closet, Paper House,  Be a Woman etc.

In 2011, he was awarded the Prism Award of the Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival for his work.


导演阐述Director’s Statement:


I’ve already had this idea three years ago, but the answer was “impossible”! These years China developed so fast, now we finally made it, with six mothers “came out” together with their children, I really appreciate! From their stories, we found out how important the communication is, not matter to gay audience or straight audience, it’s good to know!