关于影展 About
影展简介 Introduction
组委会 Committee
影展在海外 Events Abroad
往届影展 Festival History
第一届酷儿影展 1st Festival
第二届酷儿影展 2nd Festival
第三届酷儿影展 3rd Festival
3rd 开幕词 The Opening
3rd 变装、变性、变质 Trans-
3rd 女女社会 Female Society
3rd 短句 Short Films
第四届酷儿影展 4th Festival
4th 开幕礼 Opening Ceremony
4th 闭幕礼 Closing ceremony
4th 向第四届致敬 A Tribute
4th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
4th 导演主页 Filmmakers
4th 周美玲 Zero Chou
4th 洪荣杰 Kit Hung
4th 爱利加 J-B Erreca
4th 石头:在一起之图画 Arts
4th TV往事 TV Memories
4th 香港人间志 HK Gaygazine
4th 台湾精选 Taiwan Zest
4th 星浪潮 SG New Potence
4th 短句 Short Films
4th 长调 Feature Films
第五届酷儿影展 5th Festival
5th 致辞 Preface
5th 开幕片 Opening Films
5th 闭幕片 Closing Film
5th 影展资讯 events & press
5th 影展回顾 Retrospective
5th 现场图片 Gallery
5th 合作感谢机构 Partners
5th 导演主页 Filmmakers
5th 芭芭拉·汉默 Barbara Hammer
5th 钟德胜 Simon Chung
5th 陈俊志 Mickey Chen
5th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
5th 本土展映 National Panorama
5th 海外国族 Overseas Nation
5th 真场面 Documentary Films
5th 短句 Short Films
5th 长话儿 Feauture Films
6th 你看见了吗? Did you see me?
第六届北京酷儿影展 6th Festival
6th 致辞 Preface
6th 开幕片 Opening
6th 闭幕片+Closing Film
6th 影展资讯 events & press
6th 合作感谢机构 Partners
6th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
6th 彩虹港澳 Corss Hong Kong and Macau
6th 本土展映 National Panorama
6th 短句 Short Films
第七届北京酷儿影展 7th Festival
7th 致辞 Preface
7th 影展资讯 events & press
7th 現場影像 Live Images
7th 回顾展: 云路程裕苏 Wandering Clouds: Andrew Yusu Cheng Retrospective
7th 政治礼仪: 大篷车与USB Political Ceremonies: Caravans and USBs
7th 有朋自友邦来: 巴黎女同和女权主义者国际电影节 Diversities: Films from the Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival
7th 短句 Short Films
7th 长歌 The Great Song
7th 文章季 Essay Collection
7th 来自台南的人 The Person from Tainan
7th 电影史: 新酷儿电影运动 Film and History: The New Queer Film Movement
7th 秋酷集 Autumn’s Queer Collection
7th 反恐礼 Rites of Counter Terrorism
7th 小微 Little Micro
7th 左右逢源 Everything Turns to Gold: Bisexuality
7th 开酷礼: 同學繪 Opening Rites of Queerness: Student Creations
7th 紧邻当代艺术 Neighbors of Contemporary Art
家长志 Parental Ambitions
8th 影展资讯 events & press
第十届北京酷儿影展 10th Festival
第十一届北京酷儿影展 11th Festival
第十二届北京酷儿影展 12th festival
第十四届北京酷儿影展 14th Festival
14th 第十四届致辞 14th Preface
14th 致敬逝者 Tribute to Pioneer Queers
14th 第十四届开幕片 14th Opening Film
14th 第十四届闭幕片 14th Closing Film
14th 影展资讯 Events & press
14th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices
14th 重温经典 Classics
14th 第十四届合作感谢机构 14th Partners
14th 有朋自远方来-澳洲电影 Partner Festival
14th 将爱 Will Love
14th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans*
14th 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains
14th 抽象一点 A Little Abstract
14th 来自社群 From Community
14th 海外柜族 Queer in the Diaspora
14th 新·家 Family Forward
14th 疫乱情迷 Love in Pandemic
14th 短句 Short Films
第十五届北京酷儿影展 15th Festival
15th 开幕片 Opening Film 15th
15th 闭幕片 Closing Film 15th
15th 有朋自远方来:Queer East|Partner Festival 15th
15th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans 15th
15th 将爱 Will Love 15th
15th 另类宣传 Propaganda Another 15th
15th 家有酷好 Queership & Kinship 15th
15th 我们的共同体 Communities for Queer 15th
15th 抽象一点 Abstract a Little 15th
15th 新酷类型 New Queer in Genre 15th
15th 流动的性别 Gender in the Flow 15th
15th 超越快乐 Beyond the Pleasure 15th
15th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices 15th
第十六届北京酷儿影展 16th Festival
16th开幕片 Opening Film
16th 闭幕片 Closing Film
16th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices
16th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans*
16th 另类宣传 Propaganda Another
16th 回顾一下 A Look Back
16th 家有酷好 Queership & Kinship
16th 将爱 Will Love
16th 成长的烦恼 Growing Pain
16th 我们的共同体 Communities for Queer
16th 抽象一点 Abstract a Little
16th 新·家 Family Forward
16th 有朋自远方来 Partner Festival
16th 流动的性别 Gender in the Flow
16th 漂浪的酷儿 Queer Diaspora
16th 超越快乐 Beyond the Pleasure
第十七届北京酷儿影展 17th Festival
爱酷实验室 Queer Lab
联系 contact
支持 support
关于影展 About
影展简介 Introduction
组委会 Committee
影展在海外 Events Abroad
往届影展 Festival History
第一届酷儿影展 1st Festival
第二届酷儿影展 2nd Festival
第三届酷儿影展 3rd Festival
3rd 开幕词 The Opening
3rd 变装、变性、变质 Trans-
3rd 女女社会 Female Society
3rd 短句 Short Films
第四届酷儿影展 4th Festival
4th 开幕礼 Opening Ceremony
4th 闭幕礼 Closing ceremony
4th 向第四届致敬 A Tribute
4th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
4th 导演主页 Filmmakers
4th 周美玲 Zero Chou
4th 洪荣杰 Kit Hung
4th 爱利加 J-B Erreca
4th 石头:在一起之图画 Arts
4th TV往事 TV Memories
4th 香港人间志 HK Gaygazine
4th 台湾精选 Taiwan Zest
4th 星浪潮 SG New Potence
4th 短句 Short Films
4th 长调 Feature Films
第五届酷儿影展 5th Festival
5th 致辞 Preface
5th 开幕片 Opening Films
5th 闭幕片 Closing Film
5th 影展资讯 events & press
5th 影展回顾 Retrospective
5th 现场图片 Gallery
5th 合作感谢机构 Partners
5th 导演主页 Filmmakers
5th 芭芭拉·汉默 Barbara Hammer
5th 钟德胜 Simon Chung
5th 陈俊志 Mickey Chen
5th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
5th 本土展映 National Panorama
5th 海外国族 Overseas Nation
5th 真场面 Documentary Films
5th 短句 Short Films
5th 长话儿 Feauture Films
6th 你看见了吗? Did you see me?
第六届北京酷儿影展 6th Festival
6th 致辞 Preface
6th 开幕片 Opening
6th 闭幕片+Closing Film
6th 影展资讯 events & press
6th 合作感谢机构 Partners
6th 有朋自友邦来 Diversities
6th 彩虹港澳 Corss Hong Kong and Macau
6th 本土展映 National Panorama
6th 短句 Short Films
第七届北京酷儿影展 7th Festival
7th 致辞 Preface
7th 影展资讯 events & press
7th 現場影像 Live Images
7th 回顾展: 云路程裕苏 Wandering Clouds: Andrew Yusu Cheng Retrospective
7th 政治礼仪: 大篷车与USB Political Ceremonies: Caravans and USBs
7th 有朋自友邦来: 巴黎女同和女权主义者国际电影节 Diversities: Films from the Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival
7th 短句 Short Films
7th 长歌 The Great Song
7th 文章季 Essay Collection
7th 来自台南的人 The Person from Tainan
7th 电影史: 新酷儿电影运动 Film and History: The New Queer Film Movement
7th 秋酷集 Autumn’s Queer Collection
7th 反恐礼 Rites of Counter Terrorism
7th 小微 Little Micro
7th 左右逢源 Everything Turns to Gold: Bisexuality
7th 开酷礼: 同學繪 Opening Rites of Queerness: Student Creations
7th 紧邻当代艺术 Neighbors of Contemporary Art
家长志 Parental Ambitions
8th 影展资讯 events & press
第十届北京酷儿影展 10th Festival
第十一届北京酷儿影展 11th Festival
第十二届北京酷儿影展 12th festival
第十四届北京酷儿影展 14th Festival
14th 第十四届致辞 14th Preface
14th 致敬逝者 Tribute to Pioneer Queers
14th 第十四届开幕片 14th Opening Film
14th 第十四届闭幕片 14th Closing Film
14th 影展资讯 Events & press
14th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices
14th 重温经典 Classics
14th 第十四届合作感谢机构 14th Partners
14th 有朋自远方来-澳洲电影 Partner Festival
14th 将爱 Will Love
14th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans*
14th 成长的烦恼 Growing Pains
14th 抽象一点 A Little Abstract
14th 来自社群 From Community
14th 海外柜族 Queer in the Diaspora
14th 新·家 Family Forward
14th 疫乱情迷 Love in Pandemic
14th 短句 Short Films
第十五届北京酷儿影展 15th Festival
15th 开幕片 Opening Film 15th
15th 闭幕片 Closing Film 15th
15th 有朋自远方来:Queer East|Partner Festival 15th
15th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans 15th
15th 将爱 Will Love 15th
15th 另类宣传 Propaganda Another 15th
15th 家有酷好 Queership & Kinship 15th
15th 我们的共同体 Communities for Queer 15th
15th 抽象一点 Abstract a Little 15th
15th 新酷类型 New Queer in Genre 15th
15th 流动的性别 Gender in the Flow 15th
15th 超越快乐 Beyond the Pleasure 15th
15th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices 15th
第十六届北京酷儿影展 16th Festival
16th开幕片 Opening Film
16th 闭幕片 Closing Film
16th 酷儿新声 New Queer Voices
16th 变化的美 Beauty in Trans*
16th 另类宣传 Propaganda Another
16th 回顾一下 A Look Back
16th 家有酷好 Queership & Kinship
16th 将爱 Will Love
16th 成长的烦恼 Growing Pain
16th 我们的共同体 Communities for Queer
16th 抽象一点 Abstract a Little
16th 新·家 Family Forward
16th 有朋自远方来 Partner Festival
16th 流动的性别 Gender in the Flow
16th 漂浪的酷儿 Queer Diaspora
16th 超越快乐 Beyond the Pleasure
第十七届北京酷儿影展 17th Festival
爱酷实验室 Queer Lab
联系 contact
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第三天 The 3rd Day
Chinese filmmakers
Panel discussion
钟德胜 Simon Chung