

Sexuality, Identity and Race of the Queer Chinese Diaspora.

A selection of short films showcasing the history and diversity of queer filmmakers of Chinese descent from all over the world.

curated by Doris Yeung, CinemAsia Film Festival Amsterdam


美国/印尼2006年,15 mins
导演(Director):Lucky Kuswandi/Edward Gunawan



Part narrative and part experimental, STILL brings to screen the internal monologue and emotional landscapes of a young gay man’s journey to self-discovery, love and reconnection with his father.


检查我的衣柜Examining My Closet
美国USA,2006年, 12:00min
导演(Director):Esther Lin
检查我的衣柜Examining My Closet

Esther feels her clothes in her closet reflect her different personas that are neither queer not straight, but uniquely her. She searches through other queer closets to see if the clothes really make the woman.


中国特色Chinese Characters
加拿大Canada 1986年 20:30min
导演(Director): Richard Fung,

这部创新作品出自酷儿影像艺术先锋Richard Fung之手。他是华裔,是加拿大人,也是特立尼达人。他在作品中检讨了亚裔男同志与白人同志色情作品之间模糊的关系。
This seminal work by queer video art pioneer Richard Fung, A Trinidadian-Canadian of Chinese ancestry examines the ambiguous relationship of gay Asian men with white gay porn.


生日礼物Birthday Gift
导演(Directors): Stella Lim/Daud Sumolang
印尼Indonesia 2010年5min
生日礼物Birthday Gift

一份意外的生日礼物将为过生日的女孩带来难以预计的后果。这部风趣幽默的短片,是前景看好的印尼华人导演Stella Lim的处女作。
An unexpected surprise birthday gift awaits the birthday girl with unforeseen consequences. Fun and humorous, this is a promising first film from Chinese Indonesian director Stella Lim.


黄热Yellow Fever
美国/英国/香港US, UK, Hong Kong,1998年,26:00
导演(Director):Raymond Yeung,

黄热Yellow Fever

A chance encounter with his new Chinese neighbor turns Monty’s search for his “white knight” upside down. With much humor and a dash of camp, Yellow Fever is an offbeat portrayal of gay Chinese subculture in a European-dominated society.


咸湿Salty Wet
加拿大,Canada 8:47min
导演(Director):Desiree Lim & Winston Xin

咸湿Salty Wet

Salty Wet will take you through a sexy and humorous language experience about interpretations of queer Cantonese and English slang told by a group of Chinese-Canadians friends.


一个女孩名叫凯A Girl named Kai, 
马来西亚/加拿大Malaysia/Canada 2004年 8min
导演(Director):Kai Ling Hsueh

一个女孩名叫凯A Girl named Kai

Using digitally-edited Super 8 and 16mm and a stirring poetic mix of video and sound, Kai appeals to her traditional Taiwanese parents for acceptance in spite of her untraditional take on life and love.