咔弥湖 Kami River


Director: Jude Zhu
Screenwriter: Jude Zhu
Cast: Jan Shepherd, Anran Gu
Producer: Shiyi Ren
Cinematographer: Haicheng Zhang
Genre: Featured Short Film
Length: 13min
Year: 2023
Dialogue: English
Region: UK
Production Company: Kingston University

故事梗概 Synopsis

20岁的中国女生Sun在整理母亲遗物时发现了母亲生前同性爱人Maggie Randall 20年间给母亲写的信件,于是带着母亲的骨灰来到异国寻找Maggie与母亲在咔弥湖畔的爱情故事。

Sun, a 20-year-old Chinese girl, found letters written by her mother’s same-sex lover Maggie Randall to her mother for 20 years while sorting out her mother’s belongings, so she took her mother’s ashes to a foreign country to find the love story between Maggie and her mother on the Kami River.

导演介绍 Director’s Biography


May, 2023, participated in Long’s Story as art director;Feb, 2023 participated in When We Met as director of photography;2022Graduated from Kingston University in 2022, majored in Filmmaking.

导演阐述 Director’s Statement



The sexual repression of Chinese people has created tens of millions of personal and even family tragedies. Sexual minorities under the discipline of patriarchal society are forced by pressure sooner or later, or have expectations for “normal life” and an inexplicable sense of belonging, or are forced to, Sooner or later, enter a heterosexual marriage. I hope to express all kinds of beautiful qualities of women, such as tolerance, loyalty, bravery, through a journey to find the true self of a mother.

Inspired by the tragic illusion of my future, I am Chloe, everyone is Chloe, and I hope there will be fewer and fewer Chloes. In the film, Chloe’s photo is attached to the wooden urn, soaked in the water of the Kami River and slowly drifting into the distance. The water is constantly flowing, the sunshine is dazzling, and I hope the lesbian tragedy will not end.