主演| 贾尔·加朗、蒙吉·科巴鲁比亚斯
制片公司|Yatu Film Productions、Santa Filomena Films、Null Studios
凯尔·朱迈恩·弗朗西斯科通过拍摄短片学习电影制作。他拍摄了邦板牙时期的电影《咏叹调》(Aria , 2018)和 iWant 的剧集《我的单身女士》(My Single Lady , 2020),前者获得了 Gawad Pasado 的最佳制作设计奖。 他创作了短片《行踪》(Whereabouts , 2018),并在塞尔维亚萨拉敏达诺亚洲电影节和马尔托夫斯基电影节上展映。他的最新短片《边线》(Lines, 2019)获得CineSpectra电影节评审团奖,并在Cinemalaya及上海酷儿电影节、Out Film CT、美国QFilms等国际酷儿电影节上展映,同时入围 CNN 菲律宾、菲律宾电影评论家协会和拉普勒联合评选的 2020 年菲律宾最佳短片。 凯尔在 Mowelfund 电影学院和瑞奇李(Ricky Lee)编剧工作室完成了电影导演和编剧课程。
《边线》将 HIV 作为一个讨论话题。我想让HIV感染者的声音更响亮,尤其是那些居住在像邦板牙这样的省份的人,在这种深深植根于“不闻不问”文化下,他们对污名和歧视斗争的声音因沉默而被减弱。我认为这是一个不应被压抑的话题,而应作为一种交流的呼吁。呼吁沟通,呼吁强大的支持体系,因为它是治愈HIV的开始。除了 HIV 之外,我将讲述一对关系失衡的父子的故事,以及 HIV 自测盒上的两条线如何挽回两人间被遗忘的爱和亲情。这部电影展示了沟通如何在家庭中发挥关键作用,爱可以通过沟通来引导,而沟通本身就是爱。《边线》讲述了一个关于疾病如何将破损的家庭关系恢复正常的故事。

Director|Kyle Jumayne Francisco
Screenwriter|Kyle Jumayne Francisco
Cast|Jal Galang, Menggie Cobarrubias
Producer|Carlo Enciso Catu
Cinematographer|Neil Daza
Genre|Drama, Queer
Region|Southeast Asia, Philippines
Production Company|Yatu Film Productions, Santa Filomena Films, Null Studios
A dysfunctional father and son, one still coping from a loss, the other with a highly-stigmatized illness, are compelled to talk to one another to make ends meet and heal the wounds of their relationship.
Director Biography
Kyle Jumayne Francisco learned filmmaking through designing short films. He later on designed Kapampangan-period feature Aria (2018), which got him a Best Production Design award at Gawad Pasado, and iWant’s My Single Lady series (2020). He created his short film Whereabouts (2018) and was presented at film festivals Salamindanaw Asian Film Festival and Martovski Festival in Serbia. His latest short film Lines (2019) won Jury Prize at CineSpectra Film Festival, was presented at Cinemalaya and international queer film festivals such as Shanghai Queer Film Festival, Out Film CT and QFilms in the US, and is included in the lists of top Filipino short films of 2020 by CNN Philippines, Society of Filipino Film Reviewers, and Rappler. Kyle completed intensive film directing and scriptwriting courses under the Mowelfund Film Institute and Ricky Lee Scriptwriting Workshop.
Director’s Statement
Gulis (Lines) treats HIV as a venue of discourse. I want to contribute to make the voices of persons living with HIV louder, with emphasis on those who reside in the provinces like Pampanga, who have been muted by the silence in their battle against stigma and discrimination rooted deeply in a culture of “let’s not talk about it”. I see it as a topic that should not be suppressed, but should serve as a call for communication. A call for communication is a call for a strong support system; and a strong support system is the start of healing. More than HIV, I will tell a story of a dysfunctional father-son relationship and how two lines of an HIV self-screen cassette bring back the once forgotten love and affection between the two. This film shows how communication plays a vital role in a family: that love can be channeled through communication, that communication itself is love. Gulis tells a story of how an illness heals a wounded relationship in a family back to its normal, functioning form.