“发现自我之旅”工作坊 The “Finding My Own Path” Workshop


The “Finding My Own Path” Workshop


“发现自我之旅”工作坊创立于2009 年底,目标群体是以拉拉为主的多元性别群体,包含男同志、跨性别、虐恋者、性工作者等性少数,视频作品题材广泛,风格多样。组织宗旨是通过培训学员亲手制作视频的方式,让多元性别群体有机会发出自己的声音、讲述自己的故事、表达自己的情感;通过数字媒体对真实多样的视频作品的传播,提高多元性别群体的可见性,为历史存留些我们这个年代人群的珍贵回忆。至今,已在北京、广州、武汉、西安、上海、济南共开展16 次工作坊培训,产出视频故事 110 个,视频作者类别涉及情侣、同志母亲,跨性别、义工、性工作者等;视频内容涉及个人情感、同志运动、自我认同、女权主义等。在上述等地举办了24 场独立放映会;部分影片进入大学校园讲座,并参加了中国酷儿独立影像巡回展;互联网点击率累计达十万次以上。


The China Queer Digital Storytelling Workshop, founded in 2009, is an organization by and for queer women, as well as other gender and sexual minorities. Our participants include gay men, transgender people, SM enthusiasts, and sex workers. We train participants to create a short video about their own stories through intensive workshops. Our mission is to help queer people speak up and express our own experiences through digital storytelling, and to let more people see and hear their stories. We hope to raise visibility and preserve our collective memory.


To date, we have held 16 workshop series in Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an, Shanghai, and Jinan and produced a collection of over 110 videos. The digital stories address themes ranging from romance, motherhood, and volunteering to the LGBT movement, identity politics, and feminism. We have held 24 film screenings, and have presented some videos on college campuses. The number of online viewing hits has reached 100,000.



Works from the “Finding My Own Path” Workshop


“发现自我之旅”工作坊创立于2009 年底,目标群体是以拉拉为主的多元性别群体,包含男同志、跨性别、虐恋者、性工作者等性少数,视频作品题材广泛,风格多样。



至今,已在北京、广州、武汉、西安、上海、济南共开展16 次工作坊培训,产出视频故事 110 个,视频作者类别涉及情侣、同志母亲,跨性别、义工、性工作者等;视频内容涉及个人情感、同志运动、自我认同、女权主义等。在上述等地举办了24 场独立放映会;部分影片进入大学校园讲座,并参加了中国酷儿独立影像巡回展;互联网点击率累计达十万次以上。

The China Queer Digital Storytelling Workshop, founded in 2009, is an organization by and for queer women, as well as other gender and sexual minorities. Our participants include gay men, transgender people, SM enthusiasts, and sex workers. We train participants to create a short video about their own stories through intensive workshops. Our mission is to help queer people speak up and express our own experiences through digital storytelling, and to let more people see and hear their stories. We hope to raise visibility and preserve our collective memory.


To date, we have held 16 workshop series in Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an, Shanghai, and Jinan and produced a collection of over 110 videos. The digital stories address themes ranging from romance, motherhood, and volunteering to the LGBT movement, identity politics, and feminism. We have held 24 film screenings, and presented some of the videos on college campuses. The viewing count online has reached a hundred thousand times.




At a Beijing Bathhouse

2012 | 3 min| 小兔 Xiao Tu



I’m a Dominatrix

2013 | 3 min |十夜 Shi Ye


《What If》

What If

2013 | 4 min | 王迎 Iris



Female Horses

2011| 8 min| 何景窗 He Jingchuang