Pink, Blue and Purple
2014 | 3 min | Cherry
编剧 Screenwriter
主演 Cast
摄影 Cinematographer
Liu Gaoxing
对白语言 Language
字幕 Subtitles
中文 Chinese, English
制作机构 Production Group
北京纪安德咨询中心 Beijing Gender Health Education Institute, Beijing Bitch Group, 双性恋工作坊 Bisexual Workshop
故事梗概 Synopsis
I’m a girl who’s still questioning her identity. In my sixteen years of life, I’ve loved both girls and boys, but I don’t know who I am. Actually, not knowing who I am is probably better than knowing.
导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director
I was born in November, 1997. When I started middle school I fell in love with a girl who didn’t love me back. Now I’m in high school and I’m in love with a boy. And that’s it.
导演阐述 Director’s Statement
I don’t know what I should say. I’m strange and weird and nobody in my class wants to be friends with me. But I have other friends in the world. I love all my friends, even if you are older than me. Thank you!