Post: 《真情狂爱》 Spring Cactus



Spring Cactus

1999 | 110 min|黄玉珊 Huang Yu-Shan

剧情长片 Feature Film

编剧 Screenplay

何昕明Shin-Ming Ho, 黄玉珊 Yu-Shan Huang

主演 Cast

贾静雯Jia Jing-Wen, 胡兵 Hu Bing, 林立洋Lin Li- Yang

制片人 Producer

李行 Hsing Lee, 黄陈金鹤 King Ho Huang Chen, 张时坤Shih Hun Chang

制片机构 Production Group

台湾电影文化公司/ 黑巨传播事业股份有限公司Taiwan Film Culture Company/ B & W Film Studio


故事梗概 Synopsis




Spring Cactus is a feature-length work from director Huang Yu-Shan. It was made after she had shot a series of documentary films. The film is based on the true story of a volunteer charity-worker named Chen Ailan and was made after several years of field research and careful thought.