《北京的夜》 Night of Beijing


Night of Beijing

2013 | 6min | 张士霄 Zhang Shixiao

音乐录影 Music Video

编剧 Screenwriter

张士霄 Zhang Shixiao

主演 Cast

张士霄 ZhangShixiao

制片人 Producer

张士霄 ZhangShixiao

摄影 Cinematographer

贾小宇 Jia Xiaoyu

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

中文 Chinese

制作机构 Production Organization

银都工作室 Indo Studio


故事梗概 Synopsis


Lonely night, lonely Beijing. Lonely streets, lonely me.

The smoke is cold, the air is frozen.

You will never know who I am waiting for…

The answer will be known next spring…


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director



Zhang Shixiao is a singer, lyricist,composer, and guitar player. Zhang once performed at an unplugged concert.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement





There are no more tears in Beijing in the winter of 2013. I was still alone,but not lonely.Friends were always around me.

Waiting belongs to winter. Waking up belongs to Spring.

Hip-hop belongs to summer.Harvest belongs to autumn.

Song and melody comes from the bottom of my heart. They take me on a parade.