《别胡乱敲门》 Don’t Knock at the Door


Don’t Knock at the Door

2013 | 6min | 張士宵 Zhang Shixiao

音乐录影 Music Video

编剧 Screenwriter

张士霄 Zhang Shixiao

主演 Cast

张士霄 Zhang Shixiao

制片人 Producer

张士霄 Zhang Shixiao

摄影 Cinematographer

贾小宇 Jia Xiaoyu

对白语言 Language

中文 Chinese

字幕 Subtitles

中文 Chinese

制作机构 Production Organization

银都 Indo Studio

故事梗概 Synopsis

九月里的天气好浮躁,每天看着太阳,升起又落下,当初为了理想,我来到这里,如今只剩下,蓝蓝天白云.多年以后我早已忘记自己的模样,我数着星星听着微风,静静等天亮.我想我只需要一个安静的角落, 将这浮躁打包收好,邮寄到南方.别胡乱敲门,谁敲谁挨踢,别胡乱敲门,邮寄到南方.啊……哄嘛呢呗呗哄,哄嘛呢呗呗哄.别胡乱敲门,不想被打扰,别胡乱敲门,谁敲谁挨踢.九月里的天气好浮躁,每天上班下班,竟忘记了迟到…..

September is amazing, sunlight is crazy.

Wind is kind, stars are blue.

Please take me to the south country.

I forget who is knocking at the door… Oh my god!


导演阐述 Director’s Statement




All is not certain. Not all can be controlled.

On an afternoon in September, I never know who is knocking at the door. Who could know?