《兔子挖洞》 Rabbit-Holing



2014| 25min | 詹姆· 罗萨德 James Rosalind

剧情短片 Short Narrative

编剧 Screenwriter

Emma Corbett Ashby

主演 Cast

Rusgar Bushby, P.G. Marionetti

制片人 Producer

詹姆罗萨德 James Rosalind

摄影 Cinematographer

Zarah Zandieh

对白语言 Languages

英语,德语 English, German

字幕 Subtitles

英语 English

制作机构 Production Group

Muffury Productions


故事梗概 Synopsis







I thought about how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.

A weekend country cottage trip ends in disarray after a neighbour visits.

Three gender-queers and a femme enjoy the rabbit-hole fantasy of escape on the edge of the city. The cottage is an open secret among friends, and they find their way there post-party, in a dream-like state, following the crumbs left by those who had come before. The cottage is a refuge where they can explore safe fun and games, exuberant DIY, homoerotic gardening, and weekend dreams.

But what happens when you try to keep out the outside world in a world in which exclusion is impossible? What happens to gender roles when you want to eliminate the idea of gender? Is the femme, Wendy, more or less queer than the other three and can she choose not to be?

These are some of the questions catalysed by the appearance of the next door neighbour and his well-intentioned gift…


导演简历 Bio-Filmography of Director




James Rosalind is a gender-queer filmmaker based in Berlin. After many years of involvement in queer struggles for identity and community in London and in Berlin, James became inspired to make films depicting the contradictions and beauty of the gender-queer experience.

So far he has made several shorts, including 11,000 Angels Dancing on the Head of a Pin (2012), The Alien under the Party Wagon (2008), and a full-length documentary called Access Wanted (2012), which thematized the struggle for queer-lesbian remembrance in Germany.


导演阐述 Director’s Statement





Rabbit-Holing was inspired by the experience of living in big queer scenes, and in particular in Berlin. It can be seen as an analogy for coming to live in a large new city as a queer person without knowing the language or cultural codes, and searching for a group of friends and community.

Once in the queer community, as in any other, there are social positions to be jockeyed for and people to exclude.

Wendy, Peter, Hans and Michelle are looking for refuge, for a respite from feeling on the outside. They wish to spend a weekend with their people to feel included, sexy, and not bothered by the outside world and its prejudices. Unfortunately, however, the outside world comes to them in the form of the next door neighbour and a gift of a rabbit. This invasion upsets their fragile idea of togetherness, as it turns out that they are not together after all. Or at least, the femme, Wendy, it turns out is not together with them. Wendy in turn is less comfortable with in their hedonistic frenzied celebration of trans-masculinity. They in turn exclude her and forcibly so….

In the Berlin queer scene, as in others, trans guys and gender-queers find favour, while femmes are rather marginalised. Femmes can be viewed skeptically, as not being as bona fide queers.

Rabbit-Holing is about the experience of being a queer femme, of feeling a sense of belonging to a community that does not recognise you, but to which you still belong.